Oklahoma City Writers, Inc. Officers and Committee Chairs
2024 Officers:
President: Maurice Johnson, [email protected]
1st VP, Programs: Dee Dee Chumley, [email protected]
2nd VP, Membership: Jeffery Hines, [email protected]
Treasurer: Nelda Paden, [email protected]
Secretary: Joyce Coleman, [email protected]
2024 Standing Committees:
Newsletter Chair: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
Yearbook Chair: Jeffery Hines, [email protected]
Contest Chair: TBD
Webmaster: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
2024 OWFI Delegates:
Maurice Johnson
Amy Le
Kathleen Listman
2023 OWFI Delegate Alternate:
Shelley Pagach
2023 Officers:
President: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
1st VP, Programs: Shelley Pagach, [email protected]
2nd VP, Membership: Kristy Milner, [email protected]
Treasurer: Nelda Paden, [email protected]
Secretary: Joyce Coleman, [email protected]
2023 Standing Committees:
Newsletter Chair: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
Yearbook Chair: Kristy Milner, [email protected]
Contest Chair: Susan Kite
Webmaster: Shelly Pagach, [email protected] and Kathleen Listman, [email protected],
2023 OWFI Delegates:
Susan Kite
Amy Le
Shelley Pagach
Kathleen Listman
2022 Officers:
President: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
1st VP, Programs: Chrissy Whitten, [email protected]
2nd VP, Membership: Shelley Pagach, [email protected]
Treasurer: Nelda Paden, [email protected]
Secretary: Amy Le, [email protected]
2022 Standing Committees:
Newsletter Chair: Inez Phillips, [email protected]
Yearbook Chair: Shelley White, [email protected]
Contest Chair: Dee Dee Chumley, [email protected]
Webmaster: Kathleen Listman, Chrissy Whitten, Amy Le
2022 OWFI Delegates:
Kathleen Listman
Amy Le
Chrissy Whitten
Marcia Preston
2022 OWFI Delegate Alternate:
Traci Ison Schaffer
2021 Officers:
President: Amy Le, [email protected]
1st VP, Programs: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
2nd VP, Membership: Not filled at this time
Treasurer: Nelda Paden, [email protected]
Secretary: Shelley Pagach, [email protected]
2021 Standing Committees:
Newsletter Chair: Inez Phillips, [email protected]
Yearbook Chair: Shelley White, [email protected]
Contest Chair: Dee Britt, [email protected]
Webmaster: Shelley Pagach
2021 OWFI Delegates:
Amy Le
Marcia Preston
2021 OWFI Delegate Alternate:
Carolyn Leonard
Jeffery Hines <[email protected]>
2024 Officers:
President: Maurice Johnson, [email protected]
1st VP, Programs: Dee Dee Chumley, [email protected]
2nd VP, Membership: Jeffery Hines, [email protected]
Treasurer: Nelda Paden, [email protected]
Secretary: Joyce Coleman, [email protected]
2024 Standing Committees:
Newsletter Chair: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
Yearbook Chair: Jeffery Hines, [email protected]
Contest Chair: TBD
Webmaster: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
2024 OWFI Delegates:
Maurice Johnson
Amy Le
Kathleen Listman
2023 OWFI Delegate Alternate:
Shelley Pagach
2023 Officers:
President: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
1st VP, Programs: Shelley Pagach, [email protected]
2nd VP, Membership: Kristy Milner, [email protected]
Treasurer: Nelda Paden, [email protected]
Secretary: Joyce Coleman, [email protected]
2023 Standing Committees:
Newsletter Chair: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
Yearbook Chair: Kristy Milner, [email protected]
Contest Chair: Susan Kite
Webmaster: Shelly Pagach, [email protected] and Kathleen Listman, [email protected],
2023 OWFI Delegates:
Susan Kite
Amy Le
Shelley Pagach
Kathleen Listman
2022 Officers:
President: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
1st VP, Programs: Chrissy Whitten, [email protected]
2nd VP, Membership: Shelley Pagach, [email protected]
Treasurer: Nelda Paden, [email protected]
Secretary: Amy Le, [email protected]
2022 Standing Committees:
Newsletter Chair: Inez Phillips, [email protected]
Yearbook Chair: Shelley White, [email protected]
Contest Chair: Dee Dee Chumley, [email protected]
Webmaster: Kathleen Listman, Chrissy Whitten, Amy Le
2022 OWFI Delegates:
Kathleen Listman
Amy Le
Chrissy Whitten
Marcia Preston
2022 OWFI Delegate Alternate:
Traci Ison Schaffer
2021 Officers:
President: Amy Le, [email protected]
1st VP, Programs: Kathleen Listman, [email protected]
2nd VP, Membership: Not filled at this time
Treasurer: Nelda Paden, [email protected]
Secretary: Shelley Pagach, [email protected]
2021 Standing Committees:
Newsletter Chair: Inez Phillips, [email protected]
Yearbook Chair: Shelley White, [email protected]
Contest Chair: Dee Britt, [email protected]
Webmaster: Shelley Pagach
2021 OWFI Delegates:
Amy Le
Marcia Preston
2021 OWFI Delegate Alternate:
Carolyn Leonard
Jeffery Hines <[email protected]>
Oklahoma City Writers, Inc. Bylaws
The name of this organization shall be Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.
The objectives of this organization shall be to promote literary achievement in central Oklahoma, develop creative abilities of its members, and encourage literary talent in aspiring writers.
The membership of this organization shall fall into two categories:
Section 1 - Regular members—Persons who have paid dues.
Section 2 - Honorary Life Members—Persons who have made outstanding contributions to this organization and/or the profession of writing may be awarded a life membership by a vote of the Executive Board (hereafter referred to as the Board) and ratified by a majority vote of the organization’s membership present and voting at any regular or special meeting. Life membership does not require payment of annual dues.
Section 1 - The officers of this organization shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2 - These officers shall serve for the fiscal year January 1 through December 31.
Section 3 - These officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the organization’s membership present and voting at the November regular meeting.
Section 1 - President: shall preside at all meetings, administer and execute all rules adopted by the organization, call special meetings of the Board, and shall be ex-officio member of all standing and special committees. The president shall fill all vacancies until the next general election, and appoint or remove the Chair of any special committees created by the Board. The president shall appoint a nominating committee. The president may appoint or remove a Parliamentarian. The president may order an audit at the end of the fiscal year. Delegates and alternates to the Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, Inc. (hereafter referred to as OWFI) will be appointed by the president according to the number prescribed by OWFI.
Section 2 - First Vice-President: shall preside in the absence of the president and serve as Program Chair.
Section 3 - Second Vice-President: shall serve as Membership Chair and shall be responsible for the publication of the yearbook in such form as directed by the Board.
Section 4 - Secretary: shall keep a record of all meetings of the Board and submit written copies to the President, handle all correspondence of this organization including thank you letters to guest speakers and contributors, and shall be responsible for writing a column for the organization’s newsletter summarizing the previous meeting.
Section 5 - Treasurer: is entrusted with the custody of the organization’s funds. The Treasurer shall pay bills as authorized by the Board and shall keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall furnish the Board a copy of the current financial statement at each Board meeting. The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer shall gather all records and receipts if an audit is requested, but may not participate in the conduct of the audit.
Section 1 – Committees
Hospitality—shall be responsible for providing refreshments on meeting days and for special occasions.
Nominating—shall submit a slate of elective officers for the coming year at the October regular meeting, to be voted on at the November regular meeting, and assure that the recommendations of the committee are also printed in the October newsletter.
Finance—shall monitor the financial business of the organization, and shall present a proposed budget to the Board and report the results if an audit is done at the Board’s first meeting of the new fiscal year.
Newsletter Chair—shall be responsible for publication of this organization’s newsletter, and shall be responsible for reporting the achievements of members of Oklahoma City Writers, Inc. for publication in the OWFI Report.
Publicity Chair—shall be responsible for all organizational publicity.
Contest Chair— shall be responsible for initiating and conducting the organization’s annual writing contest as directed by the Board.
Workshop Chair— shall be responsible for the program arrangements necessary for summer workshops.
Historian/Archivist—shall be responsible for maintaining and storing organizational history items.
Webmaster—shall be responsible for maintaining the club website.
Section 2 – Committee chairs shall be empowered to make appointments to their committees.
Section 3 – All officers and committee chairs shall present a procedure report at the end of each calendar year to their successors.
Section 1 - The executive officers and chairs of the standing committees and the OWFI delegates shall constitute the Board. The outgoing president shall remain on the Board for one year as advisor.
Section 2 - The president shall call a meeting of the Board not less than two times per year. Board meetings may be called with 24 hours’ notice by the president or upon written request by three Board members.
Section 3 - A quorum shall consist of seven members including the president or a vice president, two other elected officers and any four non-elected Board members. A quorum is mandatory for the conduct of any business requiring a vote. The parliamentarian shall not be considered a member of the Board but acts in an advisory capacity only.
Section 4 - Voluntary written resignations may be accepted by a simple majority vote of the Board members present and voting.
Section 5 - A committee chair unwilling or unable to perform the duties of office may be replaced by the president. Elected officers unwilling or unable to perform the duties of office may be removed by a two-thirds vote of Board members present and voting.
Section 6 - The Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of this organization between its business meetings and perform such other duties as are specified in this Constitution and Bylaws. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the organization, and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the organization.
The Board of Directors shall establish various standing rules regarding operational details of the organization. Included, but not limited to, such items as: regularly scheduled meeting dates, times and locations; the distribution means and schedule of the organization’s official Newsletter; amount and payment dates of dues; the various aspects associated with the annual writing contest, including such details as the dates, categories, prizes, and formats.
Section 1 - The meetings of this organization shall be held as prescribed in the Standing Rules of this document.
Section 2 - Meeting time changes, special meetings, or workshops may be scheduled by the president and/or Board with notification to the membership.
In all questions not in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of this organization, the latest revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will provide the parliamentary authority under which this organization shall conduct business.
Section 1 – Bylaws: The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any regular meeting. The Board of Directors or any club member may offer amendments provided the proposed amendment is published in this organization’s newsletter immediately preceding the meeting at which the amendment is to be voted upon.
Section 2 – Standing Rules: The Standing Rules may be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors at any scheduled or called meeting. The Board may, at its discretion, present such changes for a vote of the general membership at any meeting. In such a case, notification of the proposed changes shall appear in the newsletter not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting and changes would require a majority vote of the general membership present.
These Bylaws modified April 29, 2017
CORPORATE ENTITY TYPE: Domestic not for profit
Effective Date: 3/3/1942
Filing #2100106044
The name of this organization shall be Oklahoma City Writers, Inc.
The objectives of this organization shall be to promote literary achievement in central Oklahoma, develop creative abilities of its members, and encourage literary talent in aspiring writers.
The membership of this organization shall fall into two categories:
Section 1 - Regular members—Persons who have paid dues.
Section 2 - Honorary Life Members—Persons who have made outstanding contributions to this organization and/or the profession of writing may be awarded a life membership by a vote of the Executive Board (hereafter referred to as the Board) and ratified by a majority vote of the organization’s membership present and voting at any regular or special meeting. Life membership does not require payment of annual dues.
Section 1 - The officers of this organization shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2 - These officers shall serve for the fiscal year January 1 through December 31.
Section 3 - These officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the organization’s membership present and voting at the November regular meeting.
Section 1 - President: shall preside at all meetings, administer and execute all rules adopted by the organization, call special meetings of the Board, and shall be ex-officio member of all standing and special committees. The president shall fill all vacancies until the next general election, and appoint or remove the Chair of any special committees created by the Board. The president shall appoint a nominating committee. The president may appoint or remove a Parliamentarian. The president may order an audit at the end of the fiscal year. Delegates and alternates to the Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, Inc. (hereafter referred to as OWFI) will be appointed by the president according to the number prescribed by OWFI.
Section 2 - First Vice-President: shall preside in the absence of the president and serve as Program Chair.
Section 3 - Second Vice-President: shall serve as Membership Chair and shall be responsible for the publication of the yearbook in such form as directed by the Board.
Section 4 - Secretary: shall keep a record of all meetings of the Board and submit written copies to the President, handle all correspondence of this organization including thank you letters to guest speakers and contributors, and shall be responsible for writing a column for the organization’s newsletter summarizing the previous meeting.
Section 5 - Treasurer: is entrusted with the custody of the organization’s funds. The Treasurer shall pay bills as authorized by the Board and shall keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall furnish the Board a copy of the current financial statement at each Board meeting. The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the Finance Committee. The Treasurer shall gather all records and receipts if an audit is requested, but may not participate in the conduct of the audit.
Section 1 – Committees
Hospitality—shall be responsible for providing refreshments on meeting days and for special occasions.
Nominating—shall submit a slate of elective officers for the coming year at the October regular meeting, to be voted on at the November regular meeting, and assure that the recommendations of the committee are also printed in the October newsletter.
Finance—shall monitor the financial business of the organization, and shall present a proposed budget to the Board and report the results if an audit is done at the Board’s first meeting of the new fiscal year.
Newsletter Chair—shall be responsible for publication of this organization’s newsletter, and shall be responsible for reporting the achievements of members of Oklahoma City Writers, Inc. for publication in the OWFI Report.
Publicity Chair—shall be responsible for all organizational publicity.
Contest Chair— shall be responsible for initiating and conducting the organization’s annual writing contest as directed by the Board.
Workshop Chair— shall be responsible for the program arrangements necessary for summer workshops.
Historian/Archivist—shall be responsible for maintaining and storing organizational history items.
Webmaster—shall be responsible for maintaining the club website.
Section 2 – Committee chairs shall be empowered to make appointments to their committees.
Section 3 – All officers and committee chairs shall present a procedure report at the end of each calendar year to their successors.
Section 1 - The executive officers and chairs of the standing committees and the OWFI delegates shall constitute the Board. The outgoing president shall remain on the Board for one year as advisor.
Section 2 - The president shall call a meeting of the Board not less than two times per year. Board meetings may be called with 24 hours’ notice by the president or upon written request by three Board members.
Section 3 - A quorum shall consist of seven members including the president or a vice president, two other elected officers and any four non-elected Board members. A quorum is mandatory for the conduct of any business requiring a vote. The parliamentarian shall not be considered a member of the Board but acts in an advisory capacity only.
Section 4 - Voluntary written resignations may be accepted by a simple majority vote of the Board members present and voting.
Section 5 - A committee chair unwilling or unable to perform the duties of office may be replaced by the president. Elected officers unwilling or unable to perform the duties of office may be removed by a two-thirds vote of Board members present and voting.
Section 6 - The Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of this organization between its business meetings and perform such other duties as are specified in this Constitution and Bylaws. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the organization, and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the organization.
The Board of Directors shall establish various standing rules regarding operational details of the organization. Included, but not limited to, such items as: regularly scheduled meeting dates, times and locations; the distribution means and schedule of the organization’s official Newsletter; amount and payment dates of dues; the various aspects associated with the annual writing contest, including such details as the dates, categories, prizes, and formats.
Section 1 - The meetings of this organization shall be held as prescribed in the Standing Rules of this document.
Section 2 - Meeting time changes, special meetings, or workshops may be scheduled by the president and/or Board with notification to the membership.
In all questions not in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of this organization, the latest revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order will provide the parliamentary authority under which this organization shall conduct business.
Section 1 – Bylaws: The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any regular meeting. The Board of Directors or any club member may offer amendments provided the proposed amendment is published in this organization’s newsletter immediately preceding the meeting at which the amendment is to be voted upon.
Section 2 – Standing Rules: The Standing Rules may be changed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors at any scheduled or called meeting. The Board may, at its discretion, present such changes for a vote of the general membership at any meeting. In such a case, notification of the proposed changes shall appear in the newsletter not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting and changes would require a majority vote of the general membership present.
These Bylaws modified April 29, 2017
CORPORATE ENTITY TYPE: Domestic not for profit
Effective Date: 3/3/1942
Filing #2100106044
OCWI History and Past Presidents
OK AUTHOR’S CLUB: Presidents--Clarence J. Harris, 1914; Mrs. Eugenia Arnett, 1916; Mrs. W.H.P. Trudgeon 1918; Mrs. Zoe Tilghman, 1920; Mrs. Hary Nagle, 1922; Mrs. Adele Hart Brown, 1924; Mrs. V.G. Early, 1926; Floyd Kimes Russell, 1928; H.A. Bodkin, 1930; I. Mary Frank Rhodes, 1932; J. Aldrich Blake, 1934; K. Kenneth Kaufman, 1936; L. Mrs. Zoe A. Tilghman, 1938; J.B. Thoburn, 1940.
OK STATE WRITERS, INC.: Presidents--Dr. Winnie Sanger, 1942; Clover Lynn Powers, 1944; Mrs. S.A. Wilkinson, 1946; Mrs. Claude Brashear, 1947; Mrs. Esther Lillian Barron, 1948; Mrs. Leta Dougherty, 1949; Alphia Hart, 1950 & Jan-May 1991; Mrs. W.F. Lemmons, 1951; Mrs. Cooper Lanford, 1952; Muriel H. Wright, 1953; Mrs. R.P. Fenner, 1954; Vivian McCullough, 1955; Mrs. Effa A. Roseboom, 1956; Mrs. Daniel Delly, 1957; Mrs. Roy B. Sheets, 1958; Mrs. Roy D. Miller, 1959; Maybelle C. Pool, 1960; Mrs. J.H. Baxter, 1961; Mrs. Ethel M. Colbert, 1962; Henry Carlton Jones, 1963; Mrs. Eloise Johnson, 1964; Mrs. Ferol Conners, 1965; Maj. Charles W. Dutreau, 1966; Mrs. Doris Dellinger, 1967; Leslie A. McRill, 1968; Margaret McAtee, 1969; Henry Carlton Jones, 1970; Charles C. Campbell, 1971; Col. Charles W. Mooney, 1972; Lucylle M. Lamb, 1973; Ed Murray, 1974; Tom Kiester, 1975; Shirley T. Angle, 1976; Kathryn Fanning, 1977; Charles K. Fewks, 1978; Naomi Taylor Casey, 1978, 1981; Marcia Preston, 1982; Linda Steele, 1983; Bernadine Wells, 1984.
OK CITY WRITERS, INC: Presidents--Peggy Gibson, 1985; J. Gordon Greene, 1986; June Rickey, 1987; J. Gordon Greene, 1988; Ann Lacy, 1989; Sandra Soli, 1990; Jan May, 1991; Jimmie Lynn Houk, 1992; Inez Phillips, 1993; Carolyn B. Leonard, 1994; Wayne Wyrick, 1995; R. L. “Red” Maier, 1996; Karen Carter, 1997; Allison Thompson, 1998; Gerald Hibbs, 1999; Shelley Anne Richter, 2000; Scott Heiserman, 2001; Jean Ravenscroft, 2002; Inez Phillips, 2003; Ann Lacy, 2004; Carolyn B. Leonard, 2005; Jean Stover, 2006; Catherine Johnson, 2007; Robert J. “Bob” O’Hern, 2008; David A. Farris, 2009; Bonita McCoy, 2010; Richard H. Mullins, 2011; Sabrina Fish, 2012; David Severe, 2013; Dana Seaton, 2014-15; Shelley Pagach, 2016-17; Traci Ison Schafer, 2018; Laci Liter, 2019-2020; Amy Le, 2021; Kathleen Listman 2022-2023
OK AUTHOR’S CLUB: Presidents--Clarence J. Harris, 1914; Mrs. Eugenia Arnett, 1916; Mrs. W.H.P. Trudgeon 1918; Mrs. Zoe Tilghman, 1920; Mrs. Hary Nagle, 1922; Mrs. Adele Hart Brown, 1924; Mrs. V.G. Early, 1926; Floyd Kimes Russell, 1928; H.A. Bodkin, 1930; I. Mary Frank Rhodes, 1932; J. Aldrich Blake, 1934; K. Kenneth Kaufman, 1936; L. Mrs. Zoe A. Tilghman, 1938; J.B. Thoburn, 1940.
OK STATE WRITERS, INC.: Presidents--Dr. Winnie Sanger, 1942; Clover Lynn Powers, 1944; Mrs. S.A. Wilkinson, 1946; Mrs. Claude Brashear, 1947; Mrs. Esther Lillian Barron, 1948; Mrs. Leta Dougherty, 1949; Alphia Hart, 1950 & Jan-May 1991; Mrs. W.F. Lemmons, 1951; Mrs. Cooper Lanford, 1952; Muriel H. Wright, 1953; Mrs. R.P. Fenner, 1954; Vivian McCullough, 1955; Mrs. Effa A. Roseboom, 1956; Mrs. Daniel Delly, 1957; Mrs. Roy B. Sheets, 1958; Mrs. Roy D. Miller, 1959; Maybelle C. Pool, 1960; Mrs. J.H. Baxter, 1961; Mrs. Ethel M. Colbert, 1962; Henry Carlton Jones, 1963; Mrs. Eloise Johnson, 1964; Mrs. Ferol Conners, 1965; Maj. Charles W. Dutreau, 1966; Mrs. Doris Dellinger, 1967; Leslie A. McRill, 1968; Margaret McAtee, 1969; Henry Carlton Jones, 1970; Charles C. Campbell, 1971; Col. Charles W. Mooney, 1972; Lucylle M. Lamb, 1973; Ed Murray, 1974; Tom Kiester, 1975; Shirley T. Angle, 1976; Kathryn Fanning, 1977; Charles K. Fewks, 1978; Naomi Taylor Casey, 1978, 1981; Marcia Preston, 1982; Linda Steele, 1983; Bernadine Wells, 1984.
OK CITY WRITERS, INC: Presidents--Peggy Gibson, 1985; J. Gordon Greene, 1986; June Rickey, 1987; J. Gordon Greene, 1988; Ann Lacy, 1989; Sandra Soli, 1990; Jan May, 1991; Jimmie Lynn Houk, 1992; Inez Phillips, 1993; Carolyn B. Leonard, 1994; Wayne Wyrick, 1995; R. L. “Red” Maier, 1996; Karen Carter, 1997; Allison Thompson, 1998; Gerald Hibbs, 1999; Shelley Anne Richter, 2000; Scott Heiserman, 2001; Jean Ravenscroft, 2002; Inez Phillips, 2003; Ann Lacy, 2004; Carolyn B. Leonard, 2005; Jean Stover, 2006; Catherine Johnson, 2007; Robert J. “Bob” O’Hern, 2008; David A. Farris, 2009; Bonita McCoy, 2010; Richard H. Mullins, 2011; Sabrina Fish, 2012; David Severe, 2013; Dana Seaton, 2014-15; Shelley Pagach, 2016-17; Traci Ison Schafer, 2018; Laci Liter, 2019-2020; Amy Le, 2021; Kathleen Listman 2022-2023