Disclaimer: We thrive to provide a variety of speakers to engage and encourage our members no matter where they are in their writing journey. In accordance with the mission and purpose of Oklahoma City Writers, Inc., all our events are uncensored. Neither Oklahoma City Writers, Inc. nor the host venue is responsible for any of the words that spill from the pages or mouths of the artists who share their talent and thoughts with us.
Speakers and Meeting Information
Prior to 2020
Prior to 2020
2019 Speakers and Meeting Information
December 21, 2019 Meeting Speaker: Dayna Dunbar
Autobiographical fiction--Weaving real life experiences into your fiction. Dayna Dunbar is a novelist published by Ballantine Books. Her first novel, The Saints and Sinners of Okay County, which is set in 1976 in a fictional town that looks suspiciously like her hometown of Yukon, won the Oklahoma Reads Oklahoma Book Award. Additionally, she has given writing workshops all over the country and in Mexico. As memoir ghostwriters, Dayna Dunbar author books based on our clients’ life. More than merely transforming interviews into narrative, she helps shape the way the narrative is told. November 16, 2019 Contest Chair, Roxana L. Cazan presents: The winners of our 2019 contest! Congratulations to everyone! For a list of the winners, go to our CONTEST WINNERS page. |
October 19, 2019 Meeting Speaker: Kathleen Listman
Why Write Flash Fiction? Kathleen Listman is an instructional designer for Scientific Applications International Corporation. Her poetry has been acknowledged with the Writer’s Digest Annual Award and the Crème de la Crème award from Oklahoma City Writers, Inc., and featured in Speak Your Mind, the Anthology of Woody Guthrie Poets, The Oklahoma Review, and Riverbabble. Pandemonium Press has published several of her flash fiction pieces. Her short play; Lesson in Assertiveness was selected for the 2019 Stillwater Short Play Festival. She serves as the V.P. of Programs for Oklahoma City Writers, Inc. Check out aboutleaders.com and knlistman.com the see her articles on the writing and creativity. |
September 21, 2019 Meeting Speaker: Nathan Brown
Book publishing and promoting as a performance art Nathan Brown is an author, songwriter, and award-winning poet living in Wimberley, Texas. He holds a PhD in English and Journalism from the University of Oklahoma where he taught for seventeen years. He served as Poet Laureate for the State of Oklahoma in 2013-2014, and now travels full-time performing readings and concerts, teaching workshops and speaking on creativity, poetry, songwriting, and creative writing. Nathan has published roughly nineteen books. Most recent are An Honest Day’s Confession; Apocalypse Soon: The Mostly Unedited Poems of Ezra E. Lipschitz; and Don’t Try, a collection of co-written poems with Austin Music Hall of Fame songwriter, Jon Dee Graham. Karma Crisis: New and Selected Poems, was a finalist for the Paterson Poetry Prize and the Oklahoma Book Award. His earlier book, Two Tables Over, won the 2009 Oklahoma Book Award. |
August 17, 2019 Meeting Speaker: William Bernhardt
The Paths to Publishing Bernhardt is the author of forty-eight books, most recently Court of Killers (#1 Bestseller flag on Amazon), the second book in his new Daniel Pike legal thriller series. His previous works include the bestselling Ben Kincaid series, the historical novels Challengers of the Dust and Nemesis, two books of poetry (The White Bird and The Ocean’s Edge), and the Red Sneaker books on fiction writing. In addition, Bill founded the Red Sneaker Writers Center to mentor aspiring writers. The Center hosts an annual writers conference, small-group writing retreats, a monthly newsletter, a phone app, and a bi-weekly podcast. More than three dozen of Bernhardt’s students have subsequently published with major houses. He is also the owner of Balkan Press, which publishes poetry and fiction as well as the literary journal Conclave. . In 2019, he received the Arrell Gibson Lifetime Achievement Award from the Oklahoma Center for the Book. |
July 20, 2019 Meeting Speaker: Roxana L. Cazan
The Accident of Birth, and the process of writing about refugees and immigration Roxana l. Cazan has been an Assistant Professor of English at Saint Francis University in Pennsylvania, where she teaches world and postcolonial literature and creative writing. She is a translator of Romanian. Her translation of Matei Vişniec’s “Teeth” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Reunion, at UT Dallas. Her poems have been featured in Cold Creek Review, The Healing Muse, Adanna Literary Journal, Watershed Review, Allegro Poetry, the Peeking Cat Anthology, The Portland Review, Harpur Palate and others. Her full-length poetry book, The Accident of Birth, has just been published by Main Street Rag in 2017. Dr. Cazan’s scholarly work has appeared in Neophilologus, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Comparative Literature Studies, Studies in American Jewish Literature, American Journal of Undergraduate Research, and Demeter Press. A chapter is forthcoming in Remembering Kahina: Women, Representation and Resistance in Post-Independence North Africa, Routledge. |
June 15, 2019 Meeting Speaker: Traci Ison Schafer
World Building Traci Ison Schafer will share things to keep in mind when building your fictional worlds. Traci a past president of Oklahoma City Writer’s Inc., is a Contracting Officer (civilian position) for the United States Air Force. She started her career at the infamous Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, which she used for the backdrop of her debut book, the science fiction novel The Anuan Legacy. The Anuan Legacy is winner of the 2018 National Indie Excellence Award in Science Fiction and the 2019 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY) in Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror e-book. |
May 18, 2019 Meeting Speaker: Carla Walker
Winning Writing—Perspective from the Editor’s Desk Carla Walker will talk about what an editor looks for in great writing, from contest entries to publication assignments. Carla is editor of Oklahoma Humanities magazine, the biannual publication of Oklahoma Humanities, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. She spearheaded the creation and launch of the magazine in 2008 and has edited the work of Pulitzer Prize-winners, poets laureate, bestselling authors, and scholars of national note. Under Walker’s editorship, Oklahoma Humanities has garnered 44 journalism awards for editorial distinction, writing, design, and best publication. Walker is an award-winning interviewer and columnist with a background in writing and editing for professional journals and cultural publications. |
April 20, 2019 Meeting Speaker: Laurel Thomas
Power of Vivid Imagery In Power of Vivid Imagery, Laurel Thomas will walk you through the craft of building riveting and emotionally rich stories through effective imagery. Join us for interactive exercises that help build your own palette of sensory images that show instead of tell. A former high school English teacher, Laurel Thomas has written for magazines such as Guideposts, Mysterious Ways and others. In addition to her first published novel, River’s Call, Laurel has ghosted nonfiction and edited others. Check out her website at www.laurelannthomas.org |
March 16, 2019 Meeting Speaker: Jesse Sauer In Favor of a Poetics of Impermanence Jesse Sauer is a graduate of Columbia University with a degree in Poetry, After spending two years teaching in China, he came to Oklahoma where he obtained a Master's Degree in TESOL from OCU. Currently, he is a senior instructor in ESL. He will discuss the relationship between poetry and time, and conduct a few poetry writing exercises. |
February 16, 2019 Meeting Speaker: Chad Reynolds
In the Great Green Room: Some Thoughts on Writing and Publishing for Kids. Chad Reynolds is the co-founder of Short Order Poems and Penny Candy Books. A graduate of the MFA program at Emerson College in Boston, he has published five poetry chapbooks. Penny Candy Books is an independent children’s book publishing company based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Savannah, Georgia with a mission is to publish children's literature that reflects the diverse realities of the world we live in, both at home and abroad. January 19, 2019 Meeting Speaker: Lou Berney Researching a Novel: November Road and The JFK Assassination: Fact And Fiction -- Insights into research for historical fiction. Lou Berney is the best-selling author of the novels NOVEMBER ROAD (named one of the best books of 2018 by the Washington Post), THE LONG AND FARAWAY GONE (winner of the Edgar Award), WHIPLASH RIVER, and GUTSHOT STRAIGHT, all from William Morrow. His short fiction has appeared in publications such as THE NEW YORKER, PLOUGHSHARES, and the Pushcart Prize anthology. He teaches in the low-residency MFA program at Oklahoma City University. |
2018 Speakers and Meeting Information

December 15, 2018 OCWI Meeting Speaker: Timothy L. Trujillo
"What Makes a Writer"
Timothy L. Trujillo is a Natural Healthcare Provider, Educator, and Author. Incorporating Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Reflexology, and Aromatherapy, he is an expert in pain relief, trauma recovery, and immune disorder management. He is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the use of hypnosis in the management of HIV/AIDS. In his work he emphasizes patient education and self-care.
Timothy has written a book Tsunami Effect. He has contributed poetry for an anthology in Los Angeles, organizational newsletters, correspondence, magazine articles, and many Facebook posts.
"What Makes a Writer"
Timothy L. Trujillo is a Natural Healthcare Provider, Educator, and Author. Incorporating Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Reflexology, and Aromatherapy, he is an expert in pain relief, trauma recovery, and immune disorder management. He is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the use of hypnosis in the management of HIV/AIDS. In his work he emphasizes patient education and self-care.
Timothy has written a book Tsunami Effect. He has contributed poetry for an anthology in Los Angeles, organizational newsletters, correspondence, magazine articles, and many Facebook posts.

November 17, 2018 -- No speaker -- Contest winners announced.
Congratulations to everyone! For a list of the winners, go to our CONTEST WINNERS page.

October 20, 2018 Meeting Speaker: John Dwyer
"How to Make Every Mistake in the Book and Still Get Your Book from Your Computer Screen Into Complete Strangers' Hearts"
The humorous, heartfelt, sometimes hurtful saga of John's own lifelong writing journey, which has resulted in six published books and the seventh and eighth on the way. It will offer particular encouragement to our never-published colleagues, as well as our formerly-but-not-lately-published ones.
John J. Dwyer has been an adjunct professor of History and Ethics at Southern Nazarene University since 2006. He is the former history chair at Coram Deo Academy, near Dallas. He is the author of the new Oklahoma Dust Bowl-World War II-based historical novel Shortgrass and its upcoming sequel Mustang; The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 1, Ancient to Statehood; The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War.
"How to Make Every Mistake in the Book and Still Get Your Book from Your Computer Screen Into Complete Strangers' Hearts"
The humorous, heartfelt, sometimes hurtful saga of John's own lifelong writing journey, which has resulted in six published books and the seventh and eighth on the way. It will offer particular encouragement to our never-published colleagues, as well as our formerly-but-not-lately-published ones.
John J. Dwyer has been an adjunct professor of History and Ethics at Southern Nazarene University since 2006. He is the former history chair at Coram Deo Academy, near Dallas. He is the author of the new Oklahoma Dust Bowl-World War II-based historical novel Shortgrass and its upcoming sequel Mustang; The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 1, Ancient to Statehood; The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War.

September 15, 2018 Meeting Speaker: Tiffany Gobble
"Overcoming Rejection"
Tiffany Gobble (yes, pronounced like a turkey) is author of Deadly Opposition. Tiffany holds a B.S. in criminal justice. She is an avid reader (listener!) of thriller, suspense, mystery, romance, and crime novels. Her background includes investigative positions at child-protective services, the Oklahoma County public defender’s office, and the Oklahoma Innocence Project (OIP).
As writers, rejection is a guarantee, but how we handle that makes all the difference. Many household names in this industry received more than their fair share of rejection letters. The first time we submit our manuscript, which we spent countless hours writing, rewriting, and editing, is terrifying. We bite our nails, compulsively refreshing our emails, while awaiting responses. Our pulse picks up when the first “RE:” enters our inbox. We breathe a sigh and hit the email only to read, “I’m sorry but….” We have two choices from that moment. We can decide their wrong because our writing is stellar and throw a pity party for ourselves. On the other hand, we can heed their advice, if they provided any, dust ourselves off, and try again!
Tiffany will go in-depth on ways we, as writers, handle the dreaded aspect of rejection!
"Overcoming Rejection"
Tiffany Gobble (yes, pronounced like a turkey) is author of Deadly Opposition. Tiffany holds a B.S. in criminal justice. She is an avid reader (listener!) of thriller, suspense, mystery, romance, and crime novels. Her background includes investigative positions at child-protective services, the Oklahoma County public defender’s office, and the Oklahoma Innocence Project (OIP).
As writers, rejection is a guarantee, but how we handle that makes all the difference. Many household names in this industry received more than their fair share of rejection letters. The first time we submit our manuscript, which we spent countless hours writing, rewriting, and editing, is terrifying. We bite our nails, compulsively refreshing our emails, while awaiting responses. Our pulse picks up when the first “RE:” enters our inbox. We breathe a sigh and hit the email only to read, “I’m sorry but….” We have two choices from that moment. We can decide their wrong because our writing is stellar and throw a pity party for ourselves. On the other hand, we can heed their advice, if they provided any, dust ourselves off, and try again!
Tiffany will go in-depth on ways we, as writers, handle the dreaded aspect of rejection!

August 18, 2018 Meeting Speaker: Melanie Larson
"Book Publishing: From Start to Finish"
Melanie Larson will discuss what happens after a manuscript has been accepted for publication. She has worked as an editor at Nicci Jordan Hubert Editorial for a number of years and has edited for several publishers since she graduated from Abilene University with a degree in journalism.
Nicci Jordan Hubert Editorial, located in New York City, is a team of professional substantive editors and copy editors who have served many critically acclaimed, award-winning, and bestselling authors.
"Book Publishing: From Start to Finish"
Melanie Larson will discuss what happens after a manuscript has been accepted for publication. She has worked as an editor at Nicci Jordan Hubert Editorial for a number of years and has edited for several publishers since she graduated from Abilene University with a degree in journalism.
Nicci Jordan Hubert Editorial, located in New York City, is a team of professional substantive editors and copy editors who have served many critically acclaimed, award-winning, and bestselling authors.

July 21, 2018 Meeting Speaker: Jack Burgos
"Anthologies 101: From Submission, Past Rejection, To Publication"
Short fiction is in high demand. Indie publications are always looking for short stories to publish in collections called anthologies, but the process of submitting to an anthology can be confusing and, at times, frustrating. Jack Burgos, editor for A Murder of Storytellers, explains how indie publishers seek out new authors, form relationships with them, and help to develop careers. This talk will cover how to find and submit to an anthology and, most importantly, how to hold open the door to publication.
"Anthologies 101: From Submission, Past Rejection, To Publication"
Short fiction is in high demand. Indie publications are always looking for short stories to publish in collections called anthologies, but the process of submitting to an anthology can be confusing and, at times, frustrating. Jack Burgos, editor for A Murder of Storytellers, explains how indie publishers seek out new authors, form relationships with them, and help to develop careers. This talk will cover how to find and submit to an anthology and, most importantly, how to hold open the door to publication.

June 16, 2018 Meeting Speaker: Kathleen Gibbs
"Adventures in Marketing"
Gibbs has a Bachelor’s Degree in language arts from the University of Oklahoma and a Master’s Degree in Southwestern Studies from the University of Central Oklahoma. She was a high school teacher for 30 years, worked for the Oklahoma Historical Society in Photo Archives for two years, and was State President of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society for four years. She is a member of Western Writers of America and lives in Bethany. As a teacher, she taught English, German, ancient history, world and state geography, humanities, and journalism.
She blends many fascinating details with true historical events in her writings. Journey of the Cheyenne Warrior, began her writing career and her second book, Last Real Cowboy, was recently published. This book ties in well with the recent celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Chisholm Trail and the 125th anniversary next September of the Cherokee Outlet Land Run in 1893.
"Adventures in Marketing"
Gibbs has a Bachelor’s Degree in language arts from the University of Oklahoma and a Master’s Degree in Southwestern Studies from the University of Central Oklahoma. She was a high school teacher for 30 years, worked for the Oklahoma Historical Society in Photo Archives for two years, and was State President of the Oklahoma Anthropological Society for four years. She is a member of Western Writers of America and lives in Bethany. As a teacher, she taught English, German, ancient history, world and state geography, humanities, and journalism.
She blends many fascinating details with true historical events in her writings. Journey of the Cheyenne Warrior, began her writing career and her second book, Last Real Cowboy, was recently published. This book ties in well with the recent celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Chisholm Trail and the 125th anniversary next September of the Cherokee Outlet Land Run in 1893.

May 19, 2018 Meeting Speaker: Cecelia Wilson
"Back to Bremen"
For more than a decade, Bateville, Arkansas native Cecelia Wilson has been the Feature Writer for Searcy Living magazine where she penned articles introducing readers to governors, senators, Grammy Award-winning musicians, and individuals from all walks of life.
Joining Author Cecelia Wilson will be current Cabot, Arkansas resident Edith Röpke Harris. Edith’s childhood in Nazi Germany is the basis for the book Back to Bremen, and Cecelia tells the story through Edith’s voice as a child. Back to Bremen was published on Edith’s 81st birthday.
Back to Bremen depicts the true, World War II story of Marta Röpke, a common mother who risks everything to see that her children survive the war that has come to her doorstep. The story is a vivid reminder that war creates countless victims, but a mother’s love can turn a common woman into a heroine. For more information: www.facebook.com/CeceliaWilsonAuthor,
"Back to Bremen"
For more than a decade, Bateville, Arkansas native Cecelia Wilson has been the Feature Writer for Searcy Living magazine where she penned articles introducing readers to governors, senators, Grammy Award-winning musicians, and individuals from all walks of life.
Joining Author Cecelia Wilson will be current Cabot, Arkansas resident Edith Röpke Harris. Edith’s childhood in Nazi Germany is the basis for the book Back to Bremen, and Cecelia tells the story through Edith’s voice as a child. Back to Bremen was published on Edith’s 81st birthday.
Back to Bremen depicts the true, World War II story of Marta Röpke, a common mother who risks everything to see that her children survive the war that has come to her doorstep. The story is a vivid reminder that war creates countless victims, but a mother’s love can turn a common woman into a heroine. For more information: www.facebook.com/CeceliaWilsonAuthor,

April 21, 2018 Meeting Speaker: Jennifer McMurrain
"Indie Strong - How to be a successful Independent Author"
Jennifer McMurrain is a full-time mother, wife, and writer. She has won numerous awards for her short stories and novels, including hitting #1 on the Amazon Best Seller list with her debut novel, Quail Crossings, being a 3rd place finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards for her paranormal romance novel, Winter Song, and winning the paranormal category of the 2017 IDAs for her romance, Summer’s End. She has six full length novels and seven book collaboration published. She lives in Bartlesville, Oklahoma with her husband and daughter. You can find more information at www.jennifermcmurrain.com.
"Indie Strong - How to be a successful Independent Author"
Jennifer McMurrain is a full-time mother, wife, and writer. She has won numerous awards for her short stories and novels, including hitting #1 on the Amazon Best Seller list with her debut novel, Quail Crossings, being a 3rd place finalist in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards for her paranormal romance novel, Winter Song, and winning the paranormal category of the 2017 IDAs for her romance, Summer’s End. She has six full length novels and seven book collaboration published. She lives in Bartlesville, Oklahoma with her husband and daughter. You can find more information at www.jennifermcmurrain.com.

March 17, 2018 Meeting: Critique Groups Panel:
"Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask"
Moderator, Lorelei Sawtelle (Oklahoma City), has taught creative writing classes in Norman and currently teaches in the Putnam City School District.
Shelley Pagach (Bethany, Oklahoma) has coordinated a critique group called Gypsy Writers, since 2012 and is also a member of the Tuesday Morning Critique Group. She is the immediate past President of OKC Writers and a current board member of OWFI.
Traci Ison Schafer (Moore, Oklahoma) is a founding member of The Plot Sisters, a critique group in her native Ohio, where she continues to participate regularly via Skype. Her debut novel, The Anuan Legacy, was released in February 2018. She is the current President of OKC Writers.
Maria Veres (Edmond, Oklahoma) is a member of the Dotted I’s, a mixed-genre critique group. She has authored three books of poetry as well as several nonfiction e-books and teaches adult creative writing at Francis Tuttle.
Linda Shelby (Choctaw, Oklahoma) has been a member of the Tuesday Morning Critique Group since its inception in April 2013.She credits publication of her work to a great critique group that "doesn't hesitate to murder my darlings." Her novel, A Splinter in Time, shared a 3-way tie for tenth place on The Oklahoma Best Seller Fiction list in 2016 and won the 2017 OWFI Best Fiction Book Award.
"Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask"
Moderator, Lorelei Sawtelle (Oklahoma City), has taught creative writing classes in Norman and currently teaches in the Putnam City School District.
Shelley Pagach (Bethany, Oklahoma) has coordinated a critique group called Gypsy Writers, since 2012 and is also a member of the Tuesday Morning Critique Group. She is the immediate past President of OKC Writers and a current board member of OWFI.
Traci Ison Schafer (Moore, Oklahoma) is a founding member of The Plot Sisters, a critique group in her native Ohio, where she continues to participate regularly via Skype. Her debut novel, The Anuan Legacy, was released in February 2018. She is the current President of OKC Writers.
Maria Veres (Edmond, Oklahoma) is a member of the Dotted I’s, a mixed-genre critique group. She has authored three books of poetry as well as several nonfiction e-books and teaches adult creative writing at Francis Tuttle.
Linda Shelby (Choctaw, Oklahoma) has been a member of the Tuesday Morning Critique Group since its inception in April 2013.She credits publication of her work to a great critique group that "doesn't hesitate to murder my darlings." Her novel, A Splinter in Time, shared a 3-way tie for tenth place on The Oklahoma Best Seller Fiction list in 2016 and won the 2017 OWFI Best Fiction Book Award.

February 17, 2018 Meeting Speaker: Bill Wetterman
"Imagination - World building"
Bill Wetterman is an award-winning author of eight thrillers. Bill's stories of intrigue and espionage in international settings have won awards from OWFI and Writers' Digest, among others. Writers' Digest gave a five-star review to his book "Madness" (Book 2 Peacock Trilogy). He also has one non-fiction work - "So You Want to be a Published Author." Bill is a member of Oklahoma Writers Federation, Inc., The Lexicon Writers, and Tulsa NightWriters. To learn more about Bill Wetterman: http://billwetterman.com or search on Facebook: Bill Wetterman - Author.
"Imagination - World building"
Bill Wetterman is an award-winning author of eight thrillers. Bill's stories of intrigue and espionage in international settings have won awards from OWFI and Writers' Digest, among others. Writers' Digest gave a five-star review to his book "Madness" (Book 2 Peacock Trilogy). He also has one non-fiction work - "So You Want to be a Published Author." Bill is a member of Oklahoma Writers Federation, Inc., The Lexicon Writers, and Tulsa NightWriters. To learn more about Bill Wetterman: http://billwetterman.com or search on Facebook: Bill Wetterman - Author.

January 20, 2018 Meeting Speaker: Vicky Malone Kennedy (aka Vck).
"Story Structure"
Vickey Malone Kennedy (aka vck) won 1st Place in Genre Fiction in the 85th Annual Writer’s Digest Competition. She won a Darrell Award for Best Mid-South Short Story and she is an OWFI Crème de la Crème recipient. She received a BA, in Theatre, Acting/Set Design, from the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, and continued her Graduate Studies, in Theatre, Acting/Light Design, at Oklahoma State University. She is a former Editor-In-Chief of 4RV Publishing, former President of Oklahoma Writer’s Federation Inc., and a proud Yard Dog Press author. A retired Licensed Nurse, Vck is now a full time Science Fiction/Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Author, a full time Granny, and a part-time movie extra.
"Story Structure"
Vickey Malone Kennedy (aka vck) won 1st Place in Genre Fiction in the 85th Annual Writer’s Digest Competition. She won a Darrell Award for Best Mid-South Short Story and she is an OWFI Crème de la Crème recipient. She received a BA, in Theatre, Acting/Set Design, from the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, and continued her Graduate Studies, in Theatre, Acting/Light Design, at Oklahoma State University. She is a former Editor-In-Chief of 4RV Publishing, former President of Oklahoma Writer’s Federation Inc., and a proud Yard Dog Press author. A retired Licensed Nurse, Vck is now a full time Science Fiction/Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Author, a full time Granny, and a part-time movie extra.
2017 Speakers and Meeting Information

December 16, 2017 Meeting Speaker: Marcia Preston.
"Fiction Structure"
Marcia Preston’s career answers the burning question: What can you do with an English degree? She has edited two national magazines, taught high school English, served as PR director for a museum, and freelanced for a long list of publications. Her six novels have been published in at least seven languages and have earned a Mary Higgins Clark Award, an Oklahoma Book Award for Fiction, and four OWFI Best Book of Fiction awards. Her next, titled The Spiderling, is due out in 2018. She’s a past president and honorary life member of both Oklahoma City Writers and OWFI, as well as a gardener, amateur lepidopterist and birdwatcher.
"Fiction Structure"
Marcia Preston’s career answers the burning question: What can you do with an English degree? She has edited two national magazines, taught high school English, served as PR director for a museum, and freelanced for a long list of publications. Her six novels have been published in at least seven languages and have earned a Mary Higgins Clark Award, an Oklahoma Book Award for Fiction, and four OWFI Best Book of Fiction awards. Her next, titled The Spiderling, is due out in 2018. She’s a past president and honorary life member of both Oklahoma City Writers and OWFI, as well as a gardener, amateur lepidopterist and birdwatcher.

November 18, 2017 -- No speaker -- OCWI Contest winners announced
Congratulations to everyone! For a list of the winners, go to our CONTEST WINNERS page.

October 21, 2017 Meeting Speaker: Alicia Dean
"The Whys and Hows of Author Promo: Whys and Hows of Author Promo"
Author/Editor Alicia Dean/Ally Robertson will show you some simple, fun ways to promote you and your books, and explain why self-promotion is necessary in today's publishing world. You'll also learn some ways to cross-promote with other authors and tips for running Amazon ads. Dean writes mostly contemporary suspense and paranormal, but has also written in other genres, including a few vintage historical novels. In addition to being an author, Alicia is both a freelance editor and an editor for The Wild Rose Press, under the name, Ally Robertson, in their suspense line. Other than reading and writing, her passions are Elvis Presley, MLB, NFL (she usually works in a mention of one or all three into her stories) and watching (and rewatching) her favorite televisions shows.
"The Whys and Hows of Author Promo: Whys and Hows of Author Promo"
Author/Editor Alicia Dean/Ally Robertson will show you some simple, fun ways to promote you and your books, and explain why self-promotion is necessary in today's publishing world. You'll also learn some ways to cross-promote with other authors and tips for running Amazon ads. Dean writes mostly contemporary suspense and paranormal, but has also written in other genres, including a few vintage historical novels. In addition to being an author, Alicia is both a freelance editor and an editor for The Wild Rose Press, under the name, Ally Robertson, in their suspense line. Other than reading and writing, her passions are Elvis Presley, MLB, NFL (she usually works in a mention of one or all three into her stories) and watching (and rewatching) her favorite televisions shows.

September 16, 2017 Meeting Speaker: Nikki Hanna
"The Joy of Writing"
When asked to describe herself in one sentence, Nikki Hanna said, “I’m a metropolitan gal who never quite reached the level of sophistication and refinement that label implies.” The contradictions reflected in this description are the basis of her humorous prose.
After retiring from forty-some years in corporate America, Hanna became a writer and has formed her own publishing company. She describes her writing as, "rich with irreverent, quirky humor and peppered with strong messages."
In addition to numerous awards for poetry, essays, and short stories, Hanna is the recipient of Oklahoma Writers’ Federation’s Crème de la Crème Award, Rose State College’s Outstanding Writer Award, and The National Indie Excellence Book Award and the international Book Excellence Award. She is a finalist in the USA Best Book Award. Her books are available on Amazon and Kindle.
"The Joy of Writing"
When asked to describe herself in one sentence, Nikki Hanna said, “I’m a metropolitan gal who never quite reached the level of sophistication and refinement that label implies.” The contradictions reflected in this description are the basis of her humorous prose.
After retiring from forty-some years in corporate America, Hanna became a writer and has formed her own publishing company. She describes her writing as, "rich with irreverent, quirky humor and peppered with strong messages."
In addition to numerous awards for poetry, essays, and short stories, Hanna is the recipient of Oklahoma Writers’ Federation’s Crème de la Crème Award, Rose State College’s Outstanding Writer Award, and The National Indie Excellence Book Award and the international Book Excellence Award. She is a finalist in the USA Best Book Award. Her books are available on Amazon and Kindle.

August 19, 2017 OCWI Meeting Speaker: Maria Veres
"Poetry Contests: You Be The Judge"
In this workshop, we’ll rank four poems using an actual contest score sheet, then discuss the results. Whether or not you write poetry, you’ll gain insight into how contests work—and why awards (or lack of awards) shouldn’t define how you view your writing. Maria Veres has lost, won, judged, and chaired many writing contests. Her most recent chapbook, Wake Up Singing, received the OWFI award for best published poetry book in 2016. She has published her work in more than fifty magazines, including Kansas City Voices, Cross Timbers, and Epiphany. Maria teaches creative writing at Francis Tuttle Technology Center and owns a copywriting and content marketing business. Her third poetry book, Church People, is scheduled for release in August 2017. Visit her at mariapolsonveres.com.
"Poetry Contests: You Be The Judge"
In this workshop, we’ll rank four poems using an actual contest score sheet, then discuss the results. Whether or not you write poetry, you’ll gain insight into how contests work—and why awards (or lack of awards) shouldn’t define how you view your writing. Maria Veres has lost, won, judged, and chaired many writing contests. Her most recent chapbook, Wake Up Singing, received the OWFI award for best published poetry book in 2016. She has published her work in more than fifty magazines, including Kansas City Voices, Cross Timbers, and Epiphany. Maria teaches creative writing at Francis Tuttle Technology Center and owns a copywriting and content marketing business. Her third poetry book, Church People, is scheduled for release in August 2017. Visit her at mariapolsonveres.com.

July 15, 2017 Meeting Speaker: Bonnie Lanthripe
Bonnie has a BA in Theater from University of Central Oklahoma and a Masters in Creative Writing, also from UCO. She has been published in several inspirational anthologies and Daily Devotions for Writers. Although she has been writing for a long time, Bonnie’s book, The Ringleader, a MG/YA adventure mystery, was published as a result of her first ever pitch at the 2013 OWFI Writer’s conference. Released in 2014, a set of bizarre circumstances led to an agreement with a screen writer in Los Angeles who is currently shopping a screen play to film companies. The Ringleader: Legend of Fury, a sequel, was released on Christmas day in 2016. A third book is a possibility. Bonnie is currently working on a historic romance novel.
Bonnie has a BA in Theater from University of Central Oklahoma and a Masters in Creative Writing, also from UCO. She has been published in several inspirational anthologies and Daily Devotions for Writers. Although she has been writing for a long time, Bonnie’s book, The Ringleader, a MG/YA adventure mystery, was published as a result of her first ever pitch at the 2013 OWFI Writer’s conference. Released in 2014, a set of bizarre circumstances led to an agreement with a screen writer in Los Angeles who is currently shopping a screen play to film companies. The Ringleader: Legend of Fury, a sequel, was released on Christmas day in 2016. A third book is a possibility. Bonnie is currently working on a historic romance novel.

June 17th, 2017 Meeting Speaker: John T. Biggs
Scheduled speaker, John Dwyer was unable to attend the Saturday, June 17. In his place, Award Winning Writer, John T. Biggs, gave a talk about MAGIC REALISM and how to make it part of your novels and short stories regardless of genre.
Scheduled speaker, John Dwyer was unable to attend the Saturday, June 17. In his place, Award Winning Writer, John T. Biggs, gave a talk about MAGIC REALISM and how to make it part of your novels and short stories regardless of genre.

June 17th Meeting Speaker: John Dwyer (Cancelled)
John J. Dwyer, grew up in Duncan, and has been an adjunct professor of History and Ethics at Southern Nazarene University since 2006. He is the former history chair at Coram Deo Academy, near Dallas. He is the author of the new Oklahoma Dust Bowl-World War II-based historical novel Shortgrass and its upcoming sequel Mustang; The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 1, Ancient to Statehood; The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War; the upcoming The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 2, World War I-Present; the historical novels Stonewall and Robert E. Lee; and the novel When the Bluebonnets Come. He is the former editor and publisher of the Dallas/Forth Worth Heritage newspaper. John is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and Dallas Theological Seminary.
John J. Dwyer, grew up in Duncan, and has been an adjunct professor of History and Ethics at Southern Nazarene University since 2006. He is the former history chair at Coram Deo Academy, near Dallas. He is the author of the new Oklahoma Dust Bowl-World War II-based historical novel Shortgrass and its upcoming sequel Mustang; The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 1, Ancient to Statehood; The War Between the States: America’s Uncivil War; the upcoming The Oklahomans: The Story of Oklahoma and Its People, Vol. 2, World War I-Present; the historical novels Stonewall and Robert E. Lee; and the novel When the Bluebonnets Come. He is the former editor and publisher of the Dallas/Forth Worth Heritage newspaper. John is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and Dallas Theological Seminary.
May 20th Meeting Speaker: Mary Coley
Award winning writer, Mary Coley, https://www.marycoley.com/ wrote her first ‘book’, a spy novel in the eighth grade. That one wasn’t published but it clearly wasn’t going to be her last effort. Her first published book, Environmentalism: How You Can Make a Difference won the OWFI award for Best Juvenile Book of 2009 (published). She followed that with two adult collections of short stories, Naked Ladies and Beneath a Wild Sky in 2013. Mary has four published novels--Cobwebs (2014 / Wheatmark – New Mexico Arizona Book Awards finalist), Ant Dens (2015 / Wheatmark - New Mexico Arizona Book Awards finalist & Oklahoma Book Awards finalist), Beehives (2016 Wheatmark - New Mexico Arizona Book Awards finalist), and The Ravine (2016 Wild Rose Press). |

April 15th Meeting Speaker: Charles W. Sasser
“Magic Steps to Writing Success.”
Charles is a full-time freelance writer/journalist/photographer. A veteran of both the U.S. Navy (journalist) and U.S. Army (Special Forces, the Green Berets), he is retired after 29 years active and reserve service. A former combat correspondent, he also served fourteen years as a police officer (in Miami, Florida, and in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he was a homicide detective). He has taught at universities, lectured nationwide, and traveled extensively throughout the world. His bio is included in WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD. He is author of more than 60 published books and 3-4,000 magazine articles and short stories. His books have been translated into Chinese, Russian, Serbian, Thai, French, Spanish and other languages. He has also appeared as a guest on national TV in Good Morning, America; Inside Edition; On The Record; Discovery ID; History Channel; Court TV; Geraldo Rivera; FOX; CNN; America’s Most Wanted; Unsolved Mysteries, Greta Van Susteren, and others. charlessasser.com
“Magic Steps to Writing Success.”
Charles is a full-time freelance writer/journalist/photographer. A veteran of both the U.S. Navy (journalist) and U.S. Army (Special Forces, the Green Berets), he is retired after 29 years active and reserve service. A former combat correspondent, he also served fourteen years as a police officer (in Miami, Florida, and in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he was a homicide detective). He has taught at universities, lectured nationwide, and traveled extensively throughout the world. His bio is included in WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD. He is author of more than 60 published books and 3-4,000 magazine articles and short stories. His books have been translated into Chinese, Russian, Serbian, Thai, French, Spanish and other languages. He has also appeared as a guest on national TV in Good Morning, America; Inside Edition; On The Record; Discovery ID; History Channel; Court TV; Geraldo Rivera; FOX; CNN; America’s Most Wanted; Unsolved Mysteries, Greta Van Susteren, and others. charlessasser.com

March 18th Meeting Speaker:: Nancy Hartney
Hartney writes about the Deep South. Her roots dig into sweat-soaked hardscrabble farms with slice of life tales. Her characters struggled with living, grasping for understanding and doing the best they know how. Her second book, If the Creek Don’t Rise: Tales from the South follows her award winning debut collection, Washed in the Water: Tales from the South, both from Pen-L Publishing. She writes non-fiction for The Chronicle of the Horse, Sidelines, Horsemen’s Roundup, DoSouth, and other publications. Her short stories have appeared in Big Muddy: Journal of the Mississippi Valley, Seven Hills Review, and various regional anthologies. She has penned western tales for Cactus Country, Best of Frontier Tales, and Rough Country.
Hartney writes about the Deep South. Her roots dig into sweat-soaked hardscrabble farms with slice of life tales. Her characters struggled with living, grasping for understanding and doing the best they know how. Her second book, If the Creek Don’t Rise: Tales from the South follows her award winning debut collection, Washed in the Water: Tales from the South, both from Pen-L Publishing. She writes non-fiction for The Chronicle of the Horse, Sidelines, Horsemen’s Roundup, DoSouth, and other publications. Her short stories have appeared in Big Muddy: Journal of the Mississippi Valley, Seven Hills Review, and various regional anthologies. She has penned western tales for Cactus Country, Best of Frontier Tales, and Rough Country.

February 18th Meeting Speaker: Eric Retan
His topic is: “Wrestling with Big Ideas in Your Writing: Prospects and Pitfalls.”
Eric Reitan is a philosophy professor by day and a father at all hours of the day and night. He also writes. Somehow. His short fiction has appeared in such venues as The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and Gamut and has earned him numerous awards, most notably the Crème-de-la-Crème award of the Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, Inc. One of his nonfiction books, Is God a Delusion?, was named a Choice Outstanding Academic Title of 2009. He blogs at www.thepietythatliesbetween.blogspot.com.
His topic is: “Wrestling with Big Ideas in Your Writing: Prospects and Pitfalls.”
Eric Reitan is a philosophy professor by day and a father at all hours of the day and night. He also writes. Somehow. His short fiction has appeared in such venues as The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and Gamut and has earned him numerous awards, most notably the Crème-de-la-Crème award of the Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, Inc. One of his nonfiction books, Is God a Delusion?, was named a Choice Outstanding Academic Title of 2009. He blogs at www.thepietythatliesbetween.blogspot.com.

January 21st Meeting Speaker: Connie Armstrong (no show)
She will be speaking to us about the Oklahoma Center for the Book and especially, the Oklahoma Book Awards.
Connie Armstrong is a native Oklahoman, an avid political historian, and lover of books. She holds advanced degrees in political science and history, and began her career as a professor at Redlands Community College, where she continues to teach adjunct history classes. Although her favorite period of history is the 1930s and World War II, Connie has conducted honors courses and seminars on the John F. Kennedy assassination. In 1999 she went to work at the Oklahoma Historical Society, where she served as the associate editor of the Chronicles of Oklahoma. She also served as editor for exhibits featured at the Oklahoma Museum of History. Since 2005 Connie has been employed at the Oklahoma Department of Libraries as the editor of the Oklahoma Almanac and executive director of the Oklahoma Center for the Book.
She will be speaking to us about the Oklahoma Center for the Book and especially, the Oklahoma Book Awards.
Connie Armstrong is a native Oklahoman, an avid political historian, and lover of books. She holds advanced degrees in political science and history, and began her career as a professor at Redlands Community College, where she continues to teach adjunct history classes. Although her favorite period of history is the 1930s and World War II, Connie has conducted honors courses and seminars on the John F. Kennedy assassination. In 1999 she went to work at the Oklahoma Historical Society, where she served as the associate editor of the Chronicles of Oklahoma. She also served as editor for exhibits featured at the Oklahoma Museum of History. Since 2005 Connie has been employed at the Oklahoma Department of Libraries as the editor of the Oklahoma Almanac and executive director of the Oklahoma Center for the Book.
2016 Speakers and Meeting Information

December 17th Meeting Speaker: Meg Welch Dendler
"Writing Children's Fiction" Dendler began serious work as a freelancer in the ‘90s while teaching elementary and middle school, Meg has over 100 articles in print, including interviews with Kirk Douglas, Sylvester Stallone, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. She has won contests with her short stories and poetry, along with multiple international awards for her best-selling “Cats in the Mirror” alien rescue cat children’s book series. At the Corner of Magnetic and Main is her first adult novel, but it won’t be her last. Meg also works as an editor for Pen-L Publishing and gives talks around her area about writing, publishing, and editing. Award-Winning Author of the Cats in the Mirror, Mom's Choice & Moonbeam Award-Winning Books, Why Kimba Saved The World, Vacation Hiro & Miss Fatty Cat's Revenge, and Max's Wild Night (a companion book), Serenity Mountain Publishing.
"Writing Children's Fiction" Dendler began serious work as a freelancer in the ‘90s while teaching elementary and middle school, Meg has over 100 articles in print, including interviews with Kirk Douglas, Sylvester Stallone, and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. She has won contests with her short stories and poetry, along with multiple international awards for her best-selling “Cats in the Mirror” alien rescue cat children’s book series. At the Corner of Magnetic and Main is her first adult novel, but it won’t be her last. Meg also works as an editor for Pen-L Publishing and gives talks around her area about writing, publishing, and editing. Award-Winning Author of the Cats in the Mirror, Mom's Choice & Moonbeam Award-Winning Books, Why Kimba Saved The World, Vacation Hiro & Miss Fatty Cat's Revenge, and Max's Wild Night (a companion book), Serenity Mountain Publishing.
November 19th: OCWI Contest winners announced. Meeting will be devoted to announcing the OCWI Contest winners.
Congratulations to everyone! For a list of the winners, go to our CONTEST WINNERS page.
Congratulations to everyone! For a list of the winners, go to our CONTEST WINNERS page.

October 15, 2016 Meeting Speaker: Mary Anna Evans
Mary Anna Evans is the author of the Faye Longchamp archaeological mysteries, which have received recognition that includes the Benjamin Franklin Award, the Mississippi Author Award, and three Florida Book Awards bronze medals. Her latest novel, Isolation, was a finalist for the Oklahoma Book Award. Her short work has appeared in publications including The Atlantic, EarthLines, Bitch, and Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment. She holds an MS in chemical engineering from the University of Mississippi and an MFA in creative writing from Rutgers-Camden. She lives in Norman, Oklahoma, where she teaches fiction and nonfiction writing at the University of Oklahoma.
Mary Anna Evans is the author of the Faye Longchamp archaeological mysteries, which have received recognition that includes the Benjamin Franklin Award, the Mississippi Author Award, and three Florida Book Awards bronze medals. Her latest novel, Isolation, was a finalist for the Oklahoma Book Award. Her short work has appeared in publications including The Atlantic, EarthLines, Bitch, and Flyway: Journal of Writing and Environment. She holds an MS in chemical engineering from the University of Mississippi and an MFA in creative writing from Rutgers-Camden. She lives in Norman, Oklahoma, where she teaches fiction and nonfiction writing at the University of Oklahoma.

September 17, 2016 Meeting Speaker: William Bernhardt
William Bernhardt is the bestselling author of more than thirty books, including the blockbuster Ben Kincaid series of novels, the historical novel Nemesis: The Final Case of Eliot Ness, currently being adapted into an NBC miniseries, a book of poetry (The White Bird), and a series of books on fiction writing. In addition, Bernhardt founded the Red Sneaker Writing Center in 2005, hosting writing workshops and small-group seminars and becoming one of the most in-demand writing instructors in the nation. His monthly eBlast, The Red Sneaker Writers Newsletter, reaches over twenty thousand people. He is the only writer to have received the Southern Writers Guild’s Gold Medal Award, the Royden B. Davis Distinguished Author Award (University of Pennsylvania) and the H. Louise Cobb Distinguished Author Award (Oklahoma State). In addition to novels, he has written plays, a musical (book and music), humor, nonfiction, children books, biography, poetry, and puzzles. OSU named him “Oklahoma’s Renaissance Man.”
William Bernhardt is the bestselling author of more than thirty books, including the blockbuster Ben Kincaid series of novels, the historical novel Nemesis: The Final Case of Eliot Ness, currently being adapted into an NBC miniseries, a book of poetry (The White Bird), and a series of books on fiction writing. In addition, Bernhardt founded the Red Sneaker Writing Center in 2005, hosting writing workshops and small-group seminars and becoming one of the most in-demand writing instructors in the nation. His monthly eBlast, The Red Sneaker Writers Newsletter, reaches over twenty thousand people. He is the only writer to have received the Southern Writers Guild’s Gold Medal Award, the Royden B. Davis Distinguished Author Award (University of Pennsylvania) and the H. Louise Cobb Distinguished Author Award (Oklahoma State). In addition to novels, he has written plays, a musical (book and music), humor, nonfiction, children books, biography, poetry, and puzzles. OSU named him “Oklahoma’s Renaissance Man.”

August 20, 2016 Meeting Speaker: Vivian Zabel
Vivian Zabel has been in the writing business for most of her life. As an editor for over thirty-five years, an English and writing teacher for nearly thirty years, an author with poetry, articles, short stories, and novels published (some with writing awards), and the head of a small publishing company since 2006, Vivian Zabel experienced both sides of the submission experience. She understands being rejected, too, and not only from major publishing houses. Since all 4RV submissions go to acquisition editors anonymously, an editor rejected of Vivian’s submissions. When the head of the editorial department offered to send the work to a different editor, she refused. Zabel states, “That’s the only way to keep the company honest.” Her first children’s picture book, I Like Pink, was released in June, a submission that wasn’t rejected by 4RV. She has other books published and others in the works. 4RV Publishing produced the Oklahoma Book Award winner in fiction for 2010; “Confessions of a Former Rock Queen” by Kirk Bjorngaard. Other books have received regional awards in their categories. Four have received national honors. 4RV has released children’s books, middle grade and young adult books, novels, and nonfiction books. Zabel hopes that more of the releases join the ranks of award-winning books.
Vivian Zabel has been in the writing business for most of her life. As an editor for over thirty-five years, an English and writing teacher for nearly thirty years, an author with poetry, articles, short stories, and novels published (some with writing awards), and the head of a small publishing company since 2006, Vivian Zabel experienced both sides of the submission experience. She understands being rejected, too, and not only from major publishing houses. Since all 4RV submissions go to acquisition editors anonymously, an editor rejected of Vivian’s submissions. When the head of the editorial department offered to send the work to a different editor, she refused. Zabel states, “That’s the only way to keep the company honest.” Her first children’s picture book, I Like Pink, was released in June, a submission that wasn’t rejected by 4RV. She has other books published and others in the works. 4RV Publishing produced the Oklahoma Book Award winner in fiction for 2010; “Confessions of a Former Rock Queen” by Kirk Bjorngaard. Other books have received regional awards in their categories. Four have received national honors. 4RV has released children’s books, middle grade and young adult books, novels, and nonfiction books. Zabel hopes that more of the releases join the ranks of award-winning books.

July 16, 2016 Meeting Speaker: Jack Burgos
A writer, editor, and home-based counselor living in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was born in Miami, Florida, the son of Colombian and Cuban immigrants. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in English and Philosophy from Tulane University in New Orleans in 2007 and his Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from the University of Tulsa in 2013. Jack has been writing since the fourth grade. His friends and he began Nevermore Edits in 2012, which helped him make the leap from amateur to professional writer. His work has been published in Happy Days, Sweetheart, Beyond the Nightlight, Now Playing in Theater B, and Dark and Dangerous Things III. He edited Broken Worlds, published by A Murder of Storytellers. Jack’s fiction interests include science fiction, urban fantasy, and horror.
A writer, editor, and home-based counselor living in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was born in Miami, Florida, the son of Colombian and Cuban immigrants. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in English and Philosophy from Tulane University in New Orleans in 2007 and his Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from the University of Tulsa in 2013. Jack has been writing since the fourth grade. His friends and he began Nevermore Edits in 2012, which helped him make the leap from amateur to professional writer. His work has been published in Happy Days, Sweetheart, Beyond the Nightlight, Now Playing in Theater B, and Dark and Dangerous Things III. He edited Broken Worlds, published by A Murder of Storytellers. Jack’s fiction interests include science fiction, urban fantasy, and horror.

June 18, 2016 Meeting Speakers: Nevermore Edits
The group out of Tulsa has published a number of anthologies under the name, A Murder of Storytellers. They will speak as a panel and there will be plenty of opportunity for interaction. Shannon Iwanski has been writing since he was a small child. His dream of being an author was realized in 2014 with the publication of his debut novel, Ride the Train, which draws on a love of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley's dystopian visions of the future. Shannon is a founding member of A Murder of Storytellers (AMOS), a member of OWFI, and currently serves as the president for Nevermore Edits. He serves as an editor for AMOS and is owner and editor-in-chief for the publishing company Inkubus Publishing.
Adrean Messmer is a horror writer living in Tulsa with a tiny human she put together from some spare parts and a technowizard husband.
Jack Burgos is a writer, editor, and home-based counselor in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He began Nevermore Edits in 2012. His work has been published in Happy Days, Sweetheart, Beyond the Nightlight, Now Playing in Theater B, and Dark and Dangerous Things III. He edited Broken Worlds, published by A Murder of Storytellers. Jack’s fiction interests include science fiction, urban fantasy, and horror.
Mac Boyle is a writer. With Bill Fisher, he is the co-creator of “The Adventures of Really Good Man.” He has made it his life’s work to put the filmmaker Orson Welles in unusual situations. He is currently working on the third book in the series, where Welles will try to successfully run an Arby’s franchise in Toad Suck, Arkansas.
E. P. Ferguson is a novelist and poet who focuses on horror and suspense writing that bends the genres. She has published poetry and short stories in anthologies and magazines and self-published the novella Of Noble Blood. Currently she is working on a collection of dark poetry and an urban fantasy novel set in New Orleans that combines the worlds of vampires and fairies.
The group out of Tulsa has published a number of anthologies under the name, A Murder of Storytellers. They will speak as a panel and there will be plenty of opportunity for interaction. Shannon Iwanski has been writing since he was a small child. His dream of being an author was realized in 2014 with the publication of his debut novel, Ride the Train, which draws on a love of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley's dystopian visions of the future. Shannon is a founding member of A Murder of Storytellers (AMOS), a member of OWFI, and currently serves as the president for Nevermore Edits. He serves as an editor for AMOS and is owner and editor-in-chief for the publishing company Inkubus Publishing.
Adrean Messmer is a horror writer living in Tulsa with a tiny human she put together from some spare parts and a technowizard husband.
Jack Burgos is a writer, editor, and home-based counselor in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He began Nevermore Edits in 2012. His work has been published in Happy Days, Sweetheart, Beyond the Nightlight, Now Playing in Theater B, and Dark and Dangerous Things III. He edited Broken Worlds, published by A Murder of Storytellers. Jack’s fiction interests include science fiction, urban fantasy, and horror.
Mac Boyle is a writer. With Bill Fisher, he is the co-creator of “The Adventures of Really Good Man.” He has made it his life’s work to put the filmmaker Orson Welles in unusual situations. He is currently working on the third book in the series, where Welles will try to successfully run an Arby’s franchise in Toad Suck, Arkansas.
E. P. Ferguson is a novelist and poet who focuses on horror and suspense writing that bends the genres. She has published poetry and short stories in anthologies and magazines and self-published the novella Of Noble Blood. Currently she is working on a collection of dark poetry and an urban fantasy novel set in New Orleans that combines the worlds of vampires and fairies.

May 21, 2016 Meeting Speaker: J. B. Hogan
J. B. Hogan lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas where he spends about equal time between writing fiction and poetry and researching and writing about local history. He has published over 250 stories and poems and has five books out including the novels Living Behind Time and Losing Cotton and The Rubicon (poetry and short fiction) all from Oghma Creative Media, and The Apostate (novella and short stories) and Angels in the Ozarks (local baseball history) from Pen-L Publishing. His sixth book, a collection of short stories entitled Fallen will be available soon from Oghma Creative Media.
J. B. Hogan lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas where he spends about equal time between writing fiction and poetry and researching and writing about local history. He has published over 250 stories and poems and has five books out including the novels Living Behind Time and Losing Cotton and The Rubicon (poetry and short fiction) all from Oghma Creative Media, and The Apostate (novella and short stories) and Angels in the Ozarks (local baseball history) from Pen-L Publishing. His sixth book, a collection of short stories entitled Fallen will be available soon from Oghma Creative Media.

April 16, 2016 Meeting Speaker: Savannah Thorne
The topic will be: "Writing and Traditional Publishing 101-- Things everyone should know about writing."
Her work includes Scholars and Rogues, Handful of Dust, Damselfly, The Iowa Rag, Ginger Piglet, The Missouri Review, Mudvein, Potpourri, The Wisconsin Review, Rhino, Rose Red Review, Linden Avenue Literary Journal, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, The Lyric, Parabola, Conclave: A Journal of Character, The Meadowland Review, Extracts, Sliver of Stone, Silent Revelations, The Atlanta Review, Yemassee, Burnt District, Josephine, Fickle Muses, The Potomac Review, The Ilanot Review, Border Crossing, Little Patuxent Review
Her articles have appeared in The Chicago Review, The Review Review, Salon.com, and The Red Truck Review.
The topic will be: "Writing and Traditional Publishing 101-- Things everyone should know about writing."
Her work includes Scholars and Rogues, Handful of Dust, Damselfly, The Iowa Rag, Ginger Piglet, The Missouri Review, Mudvein, Potpourri, The Wisconsin Review, Rhino, Rose Red Review, Linden Avenue Literary Journal, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, The Lyric, Parabola, Conclave: A Journal of Character, The Meadowland Review, Extracts, Sliver of Stone, Silent Revelations, The Atlanta Review, Yemassee, Burnt District, Josephine, Fickle Muses, The Potomac Review, The Ilanot Review, Border Crossing, Little Patuxent Review
Her articles have appeared in The Chicago Review, The Review Review, Salon.com, and The Red Truck Review.
March 19, 2016 Meeting Speaker: Darlene Shortridge
"Author Marketing Success in 2016" SubTitle: What tactics are working now to successfully sell your books Darlene Shortridge is the best-selling author of six Contemporary Christian Novels. She also writes under the pen name Lilly York for her Cozy Mystery Series. She is an accomplished vocalist and a compassionate speaker. She lives in Oklahoma City with her husband, Dan, and their two children. Darlene divides her time between her office and spending time with her first grandchild. She and her husband own 40 Day Publishing, a publishing consulting company. Together they penned the publishing book, 40 Day Publishing. You can connect with Darlene on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and Google Plus. For more information or to contact Darlene about speaking at your next event, visit her website at www.darleneshortridge.com. |

February 20, 2016 Meeting Speaker: Tom Barczak
"Building the foundation of a Writing Career that Works Right for You."
Tom Barczak is an artist, turned architect, turned writer, who finally got around to writing those stories he started dreaming about as a kid.
His work includes the illustrated epic fantasy novel, Veil of the Dragon, the Kindle serials, Awakening Evarun (Parts I-VI) and Wolfbane (Parts 1-2 of 3), along with numerous short stories and flash fiction, including those published in “Heroika 1 - Dragon Eaters”, “Nine Heroes”, “Terror by Gaslight”, and “What Scares the Boogeyman”, as well as two volumes of the award winning “Heroes in Hell” series, “Dreamers in Hell”, and “Poets in Hell”.
He writes because he can’t not. He writes because he needs to tell the stories he started on way before, in his paintings, in his poetry, and even before that, sitting around a table with friends, slaying dragons. www.tombarczak.com
"Building the foundation of a Writing Career that Works Right for You."
Tom Barczak is an artist, turned architect, turned writer, who finally got around to writing those stories he started dreaming about as a kid.
His work includes the illustrated epic fantasy novel, Veil of the Dragon, the Kindle serials, Awakening Evarun (Parts I-VI) and Wolfbane (Parts 1-2 of 3), along with numerous short stories and flash fiction, including those published in “Heroika 1 - Dragon Eaters”, “Nine Heroes”, “Terror by Gaslight”, and “What Scares the Boogeyman”, as well as two volumes of the award winning “Heroes in Hell” series, “Dreamers in Hell”, and “Poets in Hell”.
He writes because he can’t not. He writes because he needs to tell the stories he started on way before, in his paintings, in his poetry, and even before that, sitting around a table with friends, slaying dragons. www.tombarczak.com

January 16, 2016 Meeting Speaker: Lara Bernhardt
The Dramatic Rise in Author-Controlled Audiobooks--And How You Can Participate.
Lara Bernhardt is an actress, audiobook narrator, singer, and writer. Her impressive stage credits include Titania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire. She is also a professional audiobook producer and has read more than two dozen of them, including A Run for Love by Callie Hutton. Her first novel is titled Shadow of the Taj.
The Dramatic Rise in Author-Controlled Audiobooks--And How You Can Participate.
Lara Bernhardt is an actress, audiobook narrator, singer, and writer. Her impressive stage credits include Titania in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire. She is also a professional audiobook producer and has read more than two dozen of them, including A Run for Love by Callie Hutton. Her first novel is titled Shadow of the Taj.
2015 Speakers and Meeting Information

December 19, 2015 Meeting Speaker: Peggy Chambers
Chambers calls Enid, Oklahoma home. She is an award winning, three-time published author, always working on another. Retired now, she can spend all her time making up stories. She has two children, five grandchildren and lives with her husband and dog. She attended Phillips University, the University of Central Oklahoma and is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma. She is a member of the Enid Writers’ Club, Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, Inc., and the Oklahoma Women Bloggers. There is always another story weaving itself around in her brain trying to come out.
You can find her at http://peggylchambers.wordpress.com/ where she writes a weekly blog, like her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BraWars, or connect with her out on Twitter at @ChambersPeggy
Chambers calls Enid, Oklahoma home. She is an award winning, three-time published author, always working on another. Retired now, she can spend all her time making up stories. She has two children, five grandchildren and lives with her husband and dog. She attended Phillips University, the University of Central Oklahoma and is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma. She is a member of the Enid Writers’ Club, Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, Inc., and the Oklahoma Women Bloggers. There is always another story weaving itself around in her brain trying to come out.
You can find her at http://peggylchambers.wordpress.com/ where she writes a weekly blog, like her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/BraWars, or connect with her out on Twitter at @ChambersPeggy

October 17, 2015 Meeting Speaker: Karen Coody Cooper
"The Challenge of Writing History Books"
Tulsa-born and retired from the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. She worked in Oklahoma at the Cherokee Heritage Center (Tahlequah) and Museum of the Great Plains (Lawton) plus museums in Maryland and Connecticut. The University of Oklahoma awarded her a Master of Liberal Studies with museum emphasis. Published works include Fault Line (Oklahoma Writers Federation 2010 Best Book of Poetry), Spirited Encounters: American Indians Protest Museum Policies and Practices, Cherokee Wampum War and Peace Belts 1730 to Present, and the children's book Woodchuck Visits Algonquian Cousins. Cooper is a Cherokee Nation citizen, finger weaver, and wampum belt maker, and just signed a contract to publish Oklahoma Cherokee Basket History.
"The Challenge of Writing History Books"
Tulsa-born and retired from the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. She worked in Oklahoma at the Cherokee Heritage Center (Tahlequah) and Museum of the Great Plains (Lawton) plus museums in Maryland and Connecticut. The University of Oklahoma awarded her a Master of Liberal Studies with museum emphasis. Published works include Fault Line (Oklahoma Writers Federation 2010 Best Book of Poetry), Spirited Encounters: American Indians Protest Museum Policies and Practices, Cherokee Wampum War and Peace Belts 1730 to Present, and the children's book Woodchuck Visits Algonquian Cousins. Cooper is a Cherokee Nation citizen, finger weaver, and wampum belt maker, and just signed a contract to publish Oklahoma Cherokee Basket History.

September 19, 2015 Meeting Speaker: Mariana Llanos
"Platform Building."
How we reach out into the world and meet people, share our thoughts, and receive their insights. She has done fifty-five conferences using Skype. And although her first language is Spanish, she wanted to do these books in English because she wants her children to read her work and their first language is English. However, she did publish her books in both languages. Mariana urges us to “find your strength,” and then to share that using social media. She will give a brief outline of what is out there that we should consider using to widen our circle, share knowledge, and hopefully, sell our books.
"Platform Building."
How we reach out into the world and meet people, share our thoughts, and receive their insights. She has done fifty-five conferences using Skype. And although her first language is Spanish, she wanted to do these books in English because she wants her children to read her work and their first language is English. However, she did publish her books in both languages. Mariana urges us to “find your strength,” and then to share that using social media. She will give a brief outline of what is out there that we should consider using to widen our circle, share knowledge, and hopefully, sell our books.

August 15, 2015 Meeting Speaker: Carolyn Leonard
"Four Secret Words to Writing Success: Hey, You, See -So what?" Once upon a time Bonnie Speer came all the way from the University of Oklahoma to the far northwest corner of Oklahoma to teach a writing class. Mrs. Speer changed our lives, and showed us how to become selling writers with the magic formula: "Hey, You, See - So what?" And that is the secret I hope to share with OKC Writers in August. The lesson will be a little workshop, Carolyn is author of Who's Your Daddy? A Guide to Genealogy from Start to Finish. She is a former rural newspaper editor, winner of many journalistic contests, published in local, state and national publications, and contributed to the best-seller "In Their Name" a state-endorsed book on the Murrah Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma City. She is a commissioned writer for Persimmon Hill and has an article in the current Oklahoma Today magazine. She is an OWFI Honorary Life Member.
"Four Secret Words to Writing Success: Hey, You, See -So what?" Once upon a time Bonnie Speer came all the way from the University of Oklahoma to the far northwest corner of Oklahoma to teach a writing class. Mrs. Speer changed our lives, and showed us how to become selling writers with the magic formula: "Hey, You, See - So what?" And that is the secret I hope to share with OKC Writers in August. The lesson will be a little workshop, Carolyn is author of Who's Your Daddy? A Guide to Genealogy from Start to Finish. She is a former rural newspaper editor, winner of many journalistic contests, published in local, state and national publications, and contributed to the best-seller "In Their Name" a state-endorsed book on the Murrah Federal Building bombing in Oklahoma City. She is a commissioned writer for Persimmon Hill and has an article in the current Oklahoma Today magazine. She is an OWFI Honorary Life Member.

July 18, 2015 Meeting Speaker: Jan Morrill
"Creative Characterization". Jan was born and (mostly) reared in California. Her mother, a Buddhist Japanese American, was an internee at Tule Lake and Topaz during World War II. Her father, a Southern Baptist redhead of Irish descent, retired from the Air Force. Jan’s award-winning historical fiction, The Red Kimono, and other short stories and memoir essays, reflect growing up in a multicultural, multi-religious, multi-political background. While working on the sequel to The Red Kimono, Jan enjoys conducting workshops on writing and speaking about the history of the Japanese American
"Creative Characterization". Jan was born and (mostly) reared in California. Her mother, a Buddhist Japanese American, was an internee at Tule Lake and Topaz during World War II. Her father, a Southern Baptist redhead of Irish descent, retired from the Air Force. Jan’s award-winning historical fiction, The Red Kimono, and other short stories and memoir essays, reflect growing up in a multicultural, multi-religious, multi-political background. While working on the sequel to The Red Kimono, Jan enjoys conducting workshops on writing and speaking about the history of the Japanese American

May 16, 2015 Meeting Speaker: Creator of Galactic Axia, a commonwealth of planets and basis for sci/fi adventures spanning the galaxy. Books include best sellers Escape to Destiny, The Horicon Experience, Space Trader, First Contact, and The Wounded Warrior. Jim is also author several stand-alone books including thrillers, true crime, climate fiction, and children's books. Retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant. Father of three wonderful sons, and grandfather of four marvelous grandchildren. Jim will speak on finding time to write.

March 21, 2015 Meeting Speaker: After twenty years of “sticking to the facts” as an award winning journalist Lori Ericson quit her
job and started writing fiction. She has mastered the fine art of blending truth and imagination into narratives that leave her readers wondering, “Did that really happen?” Lori Ericson grew up in a cemetery and spent years covering local government as a newspaper reporter. She’s not sure which experience helped more to shape the dark stories she churns out as a fiction writer.
After twenty years in journalism, she resigned in order to concentrate on fiction. For her day job she went to “the dark side,” as reporters would say, becoming a city planner in northwest Arkansas. In the past several years, she’s ublished a number of short stories in regional anthologies. Her first novel A Lovely County was released in January. She recently signed a contract to produce two more novels in the series. A Lovely Murder is set for release in early 2016, followed within a year by A Lovely Grave.A Lovely County, then named Arkansas 309, won first place in the High Hill Press Award, Next Great American Novel Contest at Ozark Creative Writers 2010 Conference. Lori is a member of Northwest Arkansas Writers Workshop, Ozark Writers League, and Ozark Creative Writers.
job and started writing fiction. She has mastered the fine art of blending truth and imagination into narratives that leave her readers wondering, “Did that really happen?” Lori Ericson grew up in a cemetery and spent years covering local government as a newspaper reporter. She’s not sure which experience helped more to shape the dark stories she churns out as a fiction writer.
After twenty years in journalism, she resigned in order to concentrate on fiction. For her day job she went to “the dark side,” as reporters would say, becoming a city planner in northwest Arkansas. In the past several years, she’s ublished a number of short stories in regional anthologies. Her first novel A Lovely County was released in January. She recently signed a contract to produce two more novels in the series. A Lovely Murder is set for release in early 2016, followed within a year by A Lovely Grave.A Lovely County, then named Arkansas 309, won first place in the High Hill Press Award, Next Great American Novel Contest at Ozark Creative Writers 2010 Conference. Lori is a member of Northwest Arkansas Writers Workshop, Ozark Writers League, and Ozark Creative Writers.

February 21, 2015 Meeting Speaker: Publishing on Create Space Bill Wetterman is an author, trainer, and public speaker. He believes that every human has two sides to our personalities. Most of us hide the wild side in our subconscious and show self-control to the world.
Those that can’t end up in trouble. Creative people like Warhol, Van Goth, Capote, and Mozart used their imaginations to express their wild side. Bill published his face to the world through his non-fiction work, Chicken Soup For the Soul and other publications. His fiction is his wild side, espionage, psychological, and political thrillers. Bill has five published thrillers. The Fifth Step, Room 1515 - The Peacock Trilogy - Book 1, Madness – The Peacock Trilogy-Book 2, and Busted – The Odyssey of Holly Bunn – The Literary Murders. He has one non-fiction work. So You Want to be a Published Author. While hard at work writing thrillers, Bill finds time to give back to the community by speaking to groups interested in understanding the mind of a writer. Bill’s shares his experience on how he constructs novels and short stories. Bill is a member of the Oklahoma Federation of Writers, The Lexicon Writers, and the Tulsa Nightwriters.
Those that can’t end up in trouble. Creative people like Warhol, Van Goth, Capote, and Mozart used their imaginations to express their wild side. Bill published his face to the world through his non-fiction work, Chicken Soup For the Soul and other publications. His fiction is his wild side, espionage, psychological, and political thrillers. Bill has five published thrillers. The Fifth Step, Room 1515 - The Peacock Trilogy - Book 1, Madness – The Peacock Trilogy-Book 2, and Busted – The Odyssey of Holly Bunn – The Literary Murders. He has one non-fiction work. So You Want to be a Published Author. While hard at work writing thrillers, Bill finds time to give back to the community by speaking to groups interested in understanding the mind of a writer. Bill’s shares his experience on how he constructs novels and short stories. Bill is a member of the Oklahoma Federation of Writers, The Lexicon Writers, and the Tulsa Nightwriters.
January 17, 2015 Meeting Speaker
A representative of Tate Publishing will introduce us to vanity publishing and how it works. Vanity publishing is an alternative way to publish your book if you are unable to publish it yourself or with a traditional publishing house. Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC, is a Christian based, family-owned, mainline publishing organization with a mission to discover and market unknown authors. |
2014 Speakers and Meeting Information

December 20, 2014 Meeting Speaker
Mike Angelotti has published his poetry and essays on writing in literary reviews, professional journals, newspapers, chapbooks, books and online. He currently is marketing Double Vision2, a poetry chapbook, and Diary of a Hawk-eyed Wanderer, a longer poetry collection, as well as composing a handbook on the creative expression and teaching processes related
to Making Paint-Write Happen. Most recently in Oklahoma he has published in Red Truck Review, travelin’ music: A Poetic Tribute to Woody Guthrie and Cross Timbers. He also edited and published in The Oklahoma Writing Project’s 2014 Anthology of Winning Writing focused on students and teachers of Oklahoma. Earlier in his career he was poetry editor of English International and English Journal; Director of the Oklahoma Writing Project and Oklahoma Arts Council Artist-In-Residence for creative writing. He founded and still coordinates the Fountain of the Muse open-mike poetry readings for the National Council of Teachers of English annual meetings. As a new emeritus faculty member ([email protected]) in the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education at the University of Oklahoma, Mike teaches courses in English Education that emphasize creative approaches to writing and teaching literature, language, and composition.
November OCWI 2014 Contest Winners Announced
Congratulations to everyone! For a list of the winners, go to our CONTEST WINNERS page.
Mike Angelotti has published his poetry and essays on writing in literary reviews, professional journals, newspapers, chapbooks, books and online. He currently is marketing Double Vision2, a poetry chapbook, and Diary of a Hawk-eyed Wanderer, a longer poetry collection, as well as composing a handbook on the creative expression and teaching processes related
to Making Paint-Write Happen. Most recently in Oklahoma he has published in Red Truck Review, travelin’ music: A Poetic Tribute to Woody Guthrie and Cross Timbers. He also edited and published in The Oklahoma Writing Project’s 2014 Anthology of Winning Writing focused on students and teachers of Oklahoma. Earlier in his career he was poetry editor of English International and English Journal; Director of the Oklahoma Writing Project and Oklahoma Arts Council Artist-In-Residence for creative writing. He founded and still coordinates the Fountain of the Muse open-mike poetry readings for the National Council of Teachers of English annual meetings. As a new emeritus faculty member ([email protected]) in the Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education at the University of Oklahoma, Mike teaches courses in English Education that emphasize creative approaches to writing and teaching literature, language, and composition.
November OCWI 2014 Contest Winners Announced
Congratulations to everyone! For a list of the winners, go to our CONTEST WINNERS page.

October 18, 2014 Meeting Speaker:
Amy Wilson is Founder and Editor of Red Truck Review: A Journal ofAmerican Southern Literature and Culture. Red Truck Review features authors, academics, visual artists, and human rights activists whose works play a role in shaping and defining Southern literature and culture of the twenty-first century. Native American literature of the South is also celebrated in each issue. Amy has published poetry and prose in over forty journals; recent publications include: Southern Women’s Review, The Literary Lawyer, The Notebook, and This Land. Her short story collection, “Fetish and Other Stories,” is forthcoming this Fall from Babylon Books. These stories focus on the lives of small town Oklahoma women. She holds degrees from The University of Oklahoma and Columbia University. A Native Oklahoman, Amy resides in Shawnee, Oklahoma.
Amy Wilson is Founder and Editor of Red Truck Review: A Journal ofAmerican Southern Literature and Culture. Red Truck Review features authors, academics, visual artists, and human rights activists whose works play a role in shaping and defining Southern literature and culture of the twenty-first century. Native American literature of the South is also celebrated in each issue. Amy has published poetry and prose in over forty journals; recent publications include: Southern Women’s Review, The Literary Lawyer, The Notebook, and This Land. Her short story collection, “Fetish and Other Stories,” is forthcoming this Fall from Babylon Books. These stories focus on the lives of small town Oklahoma women. She holds degrees from The University of Oklahoma and Columbia University. A Native Oklahoman, Amy resides in Shawnee, Oklahoma.
September 20, 2014 Meeting Speaker: Heather Davis is a momma, a blogger and a writer. She's the author of the TMI Mom series, which includes TMI Mom Bites the Big Apple, Oversharing My Life, Getting Lucky and Crazy On Board (coming spring 2014).
She's the founding administrator of Oklahoma Women Bloggers and blogs at www.Minivan-Momma.com. She's been a featured guest on The Dr. Oz Show and regularly appears on Fox23's morning show, Great Day Green Country. She's a humor columnist for Metro Family Magazine and is syndicated with Bartlesville Examiner Enterprise. She is the co-producer of the Listen To Your Mother Show in Oklahoma City. Her website is www.Heather-Davis.com. Topic: Cracking Yourself Up--You want to bring the funny to your readers ... or bring at least a smile to their faces. Heather Davis will be sharing with us some techniques for writing humor and the funny stuff, whether it's non-fiction, fiction, memoir or essay, you'll leave looking through a funnier lens. |
June 21st Workshop
July 19th Workshop
August 16th Workshop
May 17, 2014 Meeting Speaker: Janis Montgomery has a graduate degree in play writing. The works of Janis Contway have been produced around the U.S., London and India. Several of her songs have been published and her scripts have been produced by live theaters, network television, radio and film. She recently formed Oklahoma Playwrights Association www.opaok.com and hopes more writers will catch her enthusiasm about writing for the stage. She feels that writing is a passion, and the theater is a rewarding venue because the writer experiences the reaction of the audience. Her topic will be "The joys of writing for the stage."

April 19, 2014 Meeting Speaker: Dr. Tery Phelps has been a Professor of English and Director of the Learning Enhancement Center at Oklahoma City University since 1983. His courses at OCU include Writing for Stage & Screen, Introduction to Creative Writing (fiction, nonfiction, drama and song), Advanced Grammar & Usage, Legal Writing, and Liberal Arts Seminar. His publications include magazine and newspaper articles, scholarly articles, poetry and short stories. Dr. Phelps has also written and directed a musical and has a screenplay being reviewed. His current projects include a Broaday-style musical, screen plays, a grammar book and children's books.
A member of the Oklahoma Writing Project (part of the National Writing Project) since 1978, he has presented in-service writing workshops for teachers and students across the state. He has enjoyed making previous presentations for OCWI and in April he will discuss character traits and the 5 W's and H for developing and demonstrating them.
A member of the Oklahoma Writing Project (part of the National Writing Project) since 1978, he has presented in-service writing workshops for teachers and students across the state. He has enjoyed making previous presentations for OCWI and in April he will discuss character traits and the 5 W's and H for developing and demonstrating them.

March 15, 2014 Meeting Speaker: Felicia Christenson is a blogger for Jones All-Natural Dog Treats She will be talking about blogging.
Flea is all natural, made in the USA, and slightly crunchy, just like our treats! She's also a blogger extraordinaire, mother of three or four teenagers, two Aussie mixes, one loud cat, two ducks and three chickens. And she loves a good, long road trip. So ask her to come visit, offer her chocolate, and she might just bring you a treat! Good puppy!
Flea is all natural, made in the USA, and slightly crunchy, just like our treats! She's also a blogger extraordinaire, mother of three or four teenagers, two Aussie mixes, one loud cat, two ducks and three chickens. And she loves a good, long road trip. So ask her to come visit, offer her chocolate, and she might just bring you a treat! Good puppy!

February 15, 2014 Meeting Speaker: William Bernhardt
Bill has sold more than 10 million books, won the Oklahoma Book Award and published numerous stories, essays, puzzles and poems.
He will be speaking on the changes of writing today and how the internet and ebooks are making an impact on the future of books.
Bill has sold more than 10 million books, won the Oklahoma Book Award and published numerous stories, essays, puzzles and poems.
He will be speaking on the changes of writing today and how the internet and ebooks are making an impact on the future of books.
January 18th, 2014 Meeting Speaker: James R. Tolbert III, Full Circle Bookstore Owner
Jim Tolbert, the owner of Full Circle Bookstore, will be speaking about the current trends in publishing as well as what is selling.
Jim Tolbert, the owner of Full Circle Bookstore, will be speaking about the current trends in publishing as well as what is selling.
2013 Speakers and Meeting Information
Nov. 16th: OCWI 2013 Contest Winner Announcements
Oct. 19th Speaker: Connie Armstrong, Oklahoma Center for the Book - Oklahoma Book award (details to be posted)
Oct. 19th Speaker: Connie Armstrong, Oklahoma Center for the Book - Oklahoma Book award (details to be posted)

September 21st Speaker, Romney Nesbitt: Romney Nesbitt is a Creativity Coach, artist, author and teacher. Romney writes an advice column for ART FOCUS OKLAHOMA MAGAZINE and is a popular speaker on the subject of creativity. She has presented workshops at OWFI, Romance Writers of America and Jodi Thomas' Writers Academy. Romney's book, SECRETS FROM A CREATIVITY COACH, will be available through Full Circle bookstore the day of the meeting.
PROCRASTINATION AND SELF-SABOTAGE - Conquering procrastination is more complicated than just deciding to sit in your chair and stay there! Issues with time, expectancy or value play into your conscious (or unconscious) decision to procrastinate. Learn how to target the factors that are sabotaging your writing practice and discover common sense strategies to regain control of your time and progress.
PROCRASTINATION AND SELF-SABOTAGE - Conquering procrastination is more complicated than just deciding to sit in your chair and stay there! Issues with time, expectancy or value play into your conscious (or unconscious) decision to procrastinate. Learn how to target the factors that are sabotaging your writing practice and discover common sense strategies to regain control of your time and progress.
Aug. 17th, Workshop - Maria Veres - Dwelling on the Details: A Workshop for Poets and Non-Poets
Jul. 20th, Workshop - Staffie Corcoran - Freelance Writing & Magazine Publication
Jun. 15th, Workshop - Carolyn Wall - Editing
Aug. 17th, Workshop - Maria Veres - Dwelling on the Details: A Workshop for Poets and Non-Poets
Jul. 20th, Workshop - Staffie Corcoran - Freelance Writing & Magazine Publication
Jun. 15th, Workshop - Carolyn Wall - Editing

May 18th Speaker: Darleen Bailey Beard
Topic: Writing for Children. Darleen is an Award-winning author. She loves to write, loves to speak, & has performed in hundreds of author/educator events nationwide. She’s a fun & energetic, seasoned pro who works with all ages — PRE-K THROUGH ADULT. Author visits, writing workshops, association meetings, keynote addresses & more! Darleen has a BA in Professional Writing, 1986, from the University of Oklahoma. Her books have received starred & boxed reviews, Junior Library Guild Selection, Best Book of the Year by Bank Street College of Education, Amelia Bloomer Award, seven state nominations for children’s choice awards, Gamma State Author Award, & the Oklahoma Book Award.
Topic: Writing for Children. Darleen is an Award-winning author. She loves to write, loves to speak, & has performed in hundreds of author/educator events nationwide. She’s a fun & energetic, seasoned pro who works with all ages — PRE-K THROUGH ADULT. Author visits, writing workshops, association meetings, keynote addresses & more! Darleen has a BA in Professional Writing, 1986, from the University of Oklahoma. Her books have received starred & boxed reviews, Junior Library Guild Selection, Best Book of the Year by Bank Street College of Education, Amelia Bloomer Award, seven state nominations for children’s choice awards, Gamma State Author Award, & the Oklahoma Book Award.

Apr. 20th Speaker - Nathan Brown
Topic: Poetry in Oklahoma. Nathan Brown is a songwriter, photographer, and award-winning poet from Norman, Oklahoma. He is also serving as the current Poet Laureate of the State of Oklahoma for 2013 to 2014. He holds an interdisciplinary PhD in English and Journalism (Creative and Professional Writing) but mostly travels now, performing readings and concerts as well as speaking and leading workshops in high schools, universities, and community organizations on creativity, creative writing, and the need for readers to not give up on poetry.
Topic: Poetry in Oklahoma. Nathan Brown is a songwriter, photographer, and award-winning poet from Norman, Oklahoma. He is also serving as the current Poet Laureate of the State of Oklahoma for 2013 to 2014. He holds an interdisciplinary PhD in English and Journalism (Creative and Professional Writing) but mostly travels now, performing readings and concerts as well as speaking and leading workshops in high schools, universities, and community organizations on creativity, creative writing, and the need for readers to not give up on poetry.

Mar. 16th Speaker - Amy Dee Stephens - Naturalist Instructor Supervisor at Oklahoma City Zoo
Topic: Feature writing for magazines and free lance writing.Amy Dee Stephens has been writing award-winning profiles, historical articles and conservation spotlights for magazines since 2004. She is the author of the book, Oklahoma City Zoo; 1902 to 1959 and coauthor of Oklahoma City Zoo Now and Then, a guide book that won the award as best publication by the Oklahoma Museum Association. Amy Dee Stephens, Freelance Write "Words carry time and culture." [email protected] (405)408-5512
Topic: Feature writing for magazines and free lance writing.Amy Dee Stephens has been writing award-winning profiles, historical articles and conservation spotlights for magazines since 2004. She is the author of the book, Oklahoma City Zoo; 1902 to 1959 and coauthor of Oklahoma City Zoo Now and Then, a guide book that won the award as best publication by the Oklahoma Museum Association. Amy Dee Stephens, Freelance Write "Words carry time and culture." [email protected] (405)408-5512

Feb. 16th Speaker: Jennifer J Parker - Photographer, author -Program on Creativity. Jennifer J Parker has been a professional photographer for more than twenty years. She has earned the degree of Master Photographer through the Professional Photographer of America and is a Certified Professional Photographer. She is the recipient of the national Kodak Gallery Award and The Professional Photographers of America Loan Collection Award. Visit her website at: http://www.jenniferjparker.com/
Jan. 19th Speaker: B. Kent Anderson is an award-winning novelist, journalist, and broadcaster. A graduate of the University of Central Oklahoma, he has worked as a radio announcer and producer since age fifteen, served a stint in marketing for a symphony orchestra, and has been an award-winning magazine journalist. He is the author of the thrillers Cold Glory (Forge Books, 2011) and Silver Cross (Forge, 2012). Under the pseudonym David Kent, he also authored the Department Thirty series of thrillers, including The Blackjack Conspiracy, which won the Oklahoma Book Award for Fiction in 2006. His magazine stories have received awards from the Society of Professional Journalists. He lives with his three sons in Oklahoma City, where he is always on the lookout for more historical intrigues and is at work on his next novel featuring Nick Journey, Meg Tolman, and RIO.